Slice Through your Snowflake Data like a Buzzsaw with Datameer

Ryan Goodman
Datameer inc
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2023

Snowflake and other cloud-first data warehouses have provided a foundation for new, innovative approaches to old problems. One of my solutions to speed up data wrangling is Datameer. They have created a native Snowflake data preparation and analysis solution that I use today to feed all of my BI reporting and dashboard projects.

I am not bashful to say that I am moving 2–3x faster than I ever have with Datameer than the last generation of desktop tools. Here are a few features that I have come to love because they are available in flow as I work through real-world, imperfect data.

Join Analysis

  1. Unmatched Rows allows you to quickly see records that falls out of the left and right side of the join. Maybe I have records missing IDs, or maybe I didn’t fully understand the grain of data before I joined.
  2. Join Keys analysis surfaces duplicate records to the top of the list. In this view we can quickly see which data data source is causing dupes or potential cartesian products as a result of duplicate keys.

The resulting features allow me to understand my data in and out of each join so I can keep charging forward in my data flow.

Check out this turtorial to see how it works

Datameer Join Keys analysis

Rapid Data Exploration

Exploring data at the same time you prepare it is critical, especially if you need to collaborate and raise data issues while validating. Datameer thoughtfully considers all of these scenarios how real data analysts results impacts data workers on a daily basis.

Rather than over-thinking and re-inventing the wheel, Datameer provides exploration that is intuitive and fast. Exploration provides filtering, aggregation, binning, and sorting that takes 5 minutes to master yet has a enough function in there to cover most real-world slicing and dicing.

Check out this tutorial to see how it works

Exploration provides filtering, aggregation, binning and sorting.

Exploration nodes — For those data exploration scenarios that need to be repeatable, sharable, or re-usable for any purpose, I can click a button and make the exploration view available or even deploy as it’s own view back to Snowflake for recurring validation.

Field Exploration

Similar to Snowflake, Datameer will prepare a summary profile for each field with a visual reference point to quickly identify outliers, NULLs, district values, and unique records.

Check out this tutorial to see how it works

I am truly excited to see what kind of innovative features Datameer rolls out in 2023 for me to take advantage of!



Ryan Goodman
Datameer inc

I have been turning data into knowledge for 20 years. I am here to share my journey as entrepreneur, technologist and data geek.