Datantify 2.0 Finally Available 🎉🥳

Michael A’Burzynski
Published in
Jul 18, 2019

Today, after more than 9 months since the first release of, we are celebrating the launch of the new version. During these 9 months, we have introduced a number of improvements based on our long-term strategy, as well as feedback from the customers, which we currently have over 1,000.

What Exactly Is Datanfity?

Datantify is a platform for finding and buying business databases by industry or location. As of now, we have The Biggest High-Quality Database of Global Companies. All our records in databases belong to operating companies that are active on the day of purchase of the database; the data comes from our proprietary algorithm, that data is not retrieved from obsolete registers etc, which gives us an advantage over the competition.

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