Datapace is a Hyperledger Member



Datapace, data marketplace powered by blockchain signed contract with Linux Foundation for General membership in Foundation’s Hyperledger Project.

Hyperledger is a global collaborative open source initiative created in 2016 with the goal to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies by creating an enterprise-grade open source distributed ledger frameworks and code bases, upon which users can build and run robust, industry-specific applications, platforms and hardware systems to support business transactions.

Truly a global initiative Hyperledger 30 founding members represent a diverse group of stakeholders, such as IBM, Accenture, J.P. Morgan, Blockchain, Intel, Wells Fargo, Deutsche Börse, Cisco and others.

Initial code proposal and technology contributions were given from several companies including IBM, Blockstream Ripple and Digital Assets which also donated the trademark for the ‘Hyperledger’ name to the Linux Foundation.

Currently, Hyperledger counts 250 members from all over the world and across the industries, with leaders in banking, finance, Internet of Things, manufacturing, supply chains, and technology.

Datapace founders George Saleh and Drasko Draskovic explain why they decided to be involved with the Hyperledger project.

“Firmly dedicated to Datapace vision to create institutionally credible and technically capable environment which will unlock the enormous value of data on the global scale, Hyperledger was a natural choice for us,” said George Saleh, Datapace CEO. “ Open source and blockchain are synonyms for trust and we had no doubt in consideration which framework to choose for our blockchain powered platform.”

Drasko Draskovic Datapace CTO added: “The private, permissioned nature of Hyperledger is a perfect match for our enterprise-focused data marketplace in which management of our security, privacy, and trust are essential.”

“Hyperledger is used for development of several key blockchain features necessary for secure, fast and automated monetization and exchange of data between any interested parties like the smart contract, micropayments, traceability and privacy of transactions,” continued Drasko Draskovic.

“We are excited to be a part of the global community and ecosystems like Hyperledger with the sincere hope that our contribution to the project and utilization of its frameworks will help others in building their solutions and applications,” concluded George Saleh.

About Datapace

Founded as a startup of NOKIA Digital Innovation Accelerator in 2017, Datapace is Blockchain powered decentralized data marketplace with technical and policy-based data verification and access to the worldwide network of sensors.

Datapace can be used to stream any data from any source, IoT devices, physical assets, autonomous cars, drones, and many more. It enables integration of 3rd party data and monetization through the same marketplace.

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Twitter: @Datapacemarket




Data market place powered by Blockchain and the global network of sensors.