Your first letter from us!

DataRegressed Team
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1 min readJun 12, 2018

Thank you for following DataRegressed!

We have been away for a while due to exams but we are back this summer to share some great stories with you all.

Here are some of our stories we would love you guys to take a look at:

Kaggle — Learn Python Challenge: Day 1

Check out our daily Python Challenge hosted by Kaggle!

Baby Steps into Data Science 03 — Math&Statistics: Bayes Theorem

Our latest edition to the Baby Steps series! Hopefully these will be coming out every week (hopefully on Fridays). This series hopes to give readers an idea on the tools and concepts used in the field of Data Science. Stay tuned for some practical elements with programming languages!

Alastair Majury on Common Interview Questions for Data Scientist Positions

Alastair is a Business Data Analyst and has been writing short and snappy stories for readers. The story here is great as it gives you an insight as to what questions are likely to be asked when having an interview for a Data Science role.

Thank you and keep clapping our stories if you find them interesting, also share and recommend our page to your friends!

