Apache Airflow 1.10.0 Released | Highlights

Kaxil Naik
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

After a long wait of 8 months, we finally have a new release of Apache Airflow — Apache Airflow 1.10.0 .

This release adds ~800 commits to the previous (1.9.0) release.


  • New Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) web interface in beta. Flask AppBuilder is used for the new Airflow RBAC Web UI instead of Flask Admin.This will support integration with different authentication backends out-of-the-box, and generate permissions for views and ORM models that will simplify view-level and DAG-level access control. To use this UI you need to add the following line in the airflow.cfg file:
rbac = True
  • Addition of Kubernetes Operator and Executor to natively launch arbitrary Kubernetes Pods using the Kubernetes API. This makes Airflow even more extensible and flexible than ever before since developers are not limited to an existing set of features in Airflow. This isolates the execution of one workflow from another, eliminating the need to manage many potentially conflicting Python packages.

    For example this will allow your Data Scientists to use different Python versions for building their machine learning models. This would also allow easier secret management with Kubernetes Secrets. Track Airflow-Kubernetes Integration on this Jira issue.

    For example usage visit https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/06/28/airflow-on-kubernetes-part-1-a-different-kind-of-operator/.
Source: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/06/28/airflow-on-kubernetes-part-1-a-different-kind-of-operator/

If you are updating your Airflow version, please don’t forget to have a look at UPDATING.md for backwards-incompatible changes that might affect you.

Installation / Upgrading

Installation and upgrading requires setting SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes in your environment orAIRFLOW_GPL_UNIDECODE=yes. In case of the latter a GPL runtime dependency will be installed due to a dependency (python-nvd3 -> python-slugify -> unidecode). This is a licensing issue and may not concern most of the users in which case you can set AIRFLOW_GPL_UNIDECODE=yes

To do this copy/paste the following in your .bashrc or .bash_profile or in your shell:




If you get an error that says “Unknown column” when you try to upgrade from previous versions, run the following command:

airflow upgradedb

Many new parameters have also been added to ‘airflow.cfg’ file in 1.10, so you might need to add those missing settings, otherwise, Airflow would give errors like below as it couldn’t find lineage config in airflow.cfg file:

[2018-09-14 10:03:53,260] {base_task_runner.py:107} INFO - Job 45989: Subtask fetch_requests [2018-09-14 10:03:53,260] {cli.py:464} ERROR - Section lineage Option backend does not exist in the config!

So what are you waiting for, just run the following command and enjoy your coffee :)

pip install -U apache-airflow

Also, do let us know if you find any bugs or have any comments on Airflow dev mailing list :)



Kaxil Naik

Apache Airflow PMC Member and Committer | Open Source Advocate