Seldon and Data Reply host the Data Mash Meetup in Munich

Peerapon Wechsuwanmanee
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2022

Data Reply and Seldon hosted a joint event in partnership at the Reply offices in Munich on 16th November to discuss Predictive Maintenance using MLOps.

Data Reply is the Reply Company specializing in helping customers to become Data-Driven by providing state of the art solutions leveraging Distributed & Cloud technologies. They provide architecture and development solutions for Big Data applications, services, and infrastructure such as Data Platforms, Real-Time Decision Engines, and Machine Learning Applications. Seldon is proud to be partnering with us and to have had the opportunity to come together this Autumn in Germany to learn about scalable solutions and best practices for Predictive Maintenance leveraging advanced MLOps capabilities from both Data Reply and Seldon.

The first of the three talks that were featured in this meetup was by ML Engineer at Data Reply, Peerapon Wechsuwanmanee “Predictive Maintenance- big picture and its use-cases”.

Data Reply covered some key considerations for companies considering Predictive Maintenance including:

- The market impact

- Predicted to grow from $4.2BN in 2021 to reach $15.9BN by 2026

- Industry use-cases

- Common challenges in deploying, monitoring & scaling MLOps.

Next up was ML Engineer at Data Reply, Marwan Fahmi, who gave a talk titled, “How to overcome challenges in continuous development, monitoring, and scaling in MLOps”.

He described an MLOps blueprint for predictive maintenance, which included best practices, a typical workflow, and a reference architecture. The technologies presented represented an end-to-end system, including Seldon as the main serving and monitoring component of the stack.

Seldon’s Solutions Engineer, Andrew Wilson, presented a talk titled, “Hands-on MLOps workflow with Seldon”.

Andrew presented an overview of Seldon technologies, including open source tools like MLServer, Seldon Core, and Alibi Explain/Alibi Detect, as well as our enterprise product, Seldon Deploy Advanced. Seldon then performed a live demo to show how to train two image classification models to detect defects in steel strips, deploy these as an A/B test, add model metadata, and create a drift detector.

The talks highlighted the importance of why organisations should start looking at Predictive Maintenance now and become data-driven, leveraging Data Reply’s MLOps capabilities with Seldon’s market-leading Machine Learning technology.

Following the talks, attendees from academia and industry enjoyed drinking German beer and chatting about their MLOps backgrounds, challenges, and solutions. We believe it is just as important to host our own MLOps London meetups as well as visit other MLOps related meetups such as the Munich Data Mash that is hosted by Data Reply.

The intention is to continuously highlight the innovative MLOps industry, learn and bounce ideas off each other, and network with like minded people. We’re happy to say we achieved all three of these goals during the Munich Data Mash event. See you at the next meetup!

