Data is the new gold

Jorge Perez
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2018

In the digital age of information exchange, data is gold. Corporations are all about collecting data, analyzing it and profiteering from the results or by selling to other parties for a hefty profit. Operating at the corporate B2B level, data collectors and buyers work without any form of advertisement, preferring to remain in the shadows. Consequently, most of the public is unaware of their data being collected and sold. Hundreds and thousands of people’s personal information such as name, age, sex, location, personal preferences and search engine habits are obtained, without their consent.

The data collected is utilized by many different corporations and organizations for their own benefit. A marketing company, for example, will be better able to advertise products to us by knowing what we search for on Amazon or Ebay, while a food service might give us deals on burgers and chips if we frequent fast food establishments a lot. This may seem harmless on one hand, but given the latest Facebook scandal, where the social media sold data of more than 50 million users to a third party that processed data, the stakes are high.

In recent years, the rise of the decentralised economy has allowed people and groups to contact and connect each other directly, eliminating the need of middlemen. These middlemen, like Facebook and other platforms that we visit, are the ones that store and sell our information. The information goes beyond the simple age, sex, address and location. This may include our browsing habits, what we view on YouTube, even the type of products we purchase using credit cards.

Built on the secure and P2P nature of Blockchain, our platform brings data seekers and you, the data provider, in contact directly. You can sell your data straight to your choice of organization, releasing only the amount of information you desire. The cryptographic nature of our decentralized platform means that there is no risk of your information being leaked or stolen through a hack and that the money is transferred to you directly, without a hefty commission of any kind.

