Omni-Personal Marketing: Unleashing the Power of Zero-Party Data — DataSapien

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5 min readNov 21, 2023

In the fast-evolving world of marketing, there’s a shift happening that’s about to transform the way companies and customers engage with each other. Zero-Party Data (ZPD), Personal Data Stores and Personal AI drive this transformation. They give rise to Omni- Personal Marketing, the natural and obvious progression from Multiple-Digital Channels and Omni- Channel Marketing*. This ground-breaking approach sets the stage for creating new value for both companies and the customers that they serve.

The Traditional Marketing Conundrum

Traditional marketing has long been synonymous with mass campaigns, segment-based targeting, and often, invasive data collection practices. With the old methods, companies would gather as much information as they could about their customers, often without their knowledge or consent, in an attempt to ‘mass-personalize’ their marketing messages. However, this approach has become increasingly outdated, problematic, and risky.

Privacy concerns, the rise of data protection regulations like GDPR/CCPA, and the growing reluctance of consumers to share their personal data have disrupted the traditional marketing playbook. As a result, companies now face a predicament: they need more personal data to deliver the personalized experiences that customers desire, yet accessing that data is becoming ever more challenging.

Enter Zero-Party Data

Zero-Party Data (0PD) is a game-changer. Customers willingly share it rather than companies scraping and guessing. Now, companies invite customers to participate in sharing their preferences, needs, and desires directly. While early 0PD initiatives have used simple web surveys, polls and quizzes, this merely begins to tap into the potential. Personal Data Stores also enable customers to share passive data they have gathered from thousands of other apps, sensors and services, whilst staying in control. This data is rich, verified, processed locally and shared anonymously and transparently, with full consent. This is the sustainable fuel that powers the Omni-Personal Marketing engine.

Omni-Personal Marketing: A Revolution in the Making

Omni-Personal Marketing is about redefining the customer experience. It’s a shift from mere personalization to truly understanding and connecting with each individual, personally. Customers create a 360º mirror of themselves, for themselves, and choose what to share. A perspective shift that solves many currently intractable marketing issues.

Here’s why it’s set to be the driving force in the creation of new value for both customers and companies:

  • Customer-Centricity: Omni-personal marketing puts the customer at the center. It’s all about understanding their unique preferences, needs, and context — together. This focus on the individual leads to a deeper emotional connection and trust.
  • Contextual Relevance: With 0PD, companies can tailor their messages and offerings based on the real-time context of the customer. This ensures that every interaction is truly relevant and timely, providing value rather than annoyance.
  • Consent and Transparency: Customers willingly share their data intelligence, knowing how it is used, while many actions don’t even require data to leave the smartphone. This transparency contributes to a strong and ethical foundation of trust that builds lasting relationships.
  • Long-Term Relationships: Omni-Personal Marketing isn’t about quick transactional wins. It’s about building lasting customer relationships. By focusing on mutual value exchange, companies can nurture loyalty and retention over time and grow sustainable returns.

The Three Drivers of Omni-Personal Marketing:

The Key Drivers of Omni-Personal Marketing: ZPD and Personal Data Stores

  1. ZPD: The Heart of the Strategy: Zero-Party Data is the lifeblood of Omni-Personal Marketing. It’s the bridge between companies and customers, enabling a direct, transparent, and mutually beneficial data exchange. With ZPD, companies can go beyond personalization and achieve true individualization.
  2. Personal Data Stores: Empowering Customers: Personal Data Stores are the tools that empower customers to manage and control their data. These secure platforms allow customers to curate, store, and share their data with companies they trust. This ensures that customers have agency over their information and can decide how it’s used.
  3. Personal AI: Moving the algorithms to the data, on customer devices. Processing data on the customer ‘edge’ surfaces insights and next best actions, locally. This reduces latency and data risk while increasing privacy and security. It utilizes an order of magnitude more life data in complete confidence, exponentially enhancing possibilities to delight customers.

Future of Omni-Personal Marketing: The Next 5 Years

As we look ahead, it’s evident that Omni-Personal Marketing is on the cusp of becoming the new industry standard when interacting with customers. In the next five years, we can expect to see:

  • Widespread Adoption: More and more companies will embrace 0PD, Personal Data Stores and Personal AI as they witness the benefits of Omni-Personal Marketing. The customer experience will be a primary competitive differentiator. This will also drive stronger activation, revenues and lifetime customer value.
  • Regulatory Support: Regulatory frameworks will evolve to support ethical data practices, giving companies and customers a clearer path to navigate the data landscape. It’s likely that the majority of US, EU & UK Citizens will soon be covered by a variety of State and Federal regulations covering privacy, sensitive personal data and AI.
  • Innovation and Technology Advancements: Technology will play a crucial role in the growth of Omni-Personal Marketing. AI and machine learning will enable companies to process and act on data more efficiently and intelligently. Personal Data Stores and Personal AI combined with advanced Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) create a potent combination for rapid innovation.
  • New Business Models: Companies will explore innovative business models centered around participatory value exchanges within the context and the brand proposition and purpose. This will include Omni-Personal Loyalty Programs, novel data-sharing partnerships fuelled by 0PD, Consumer Centric Commerce, and personal agents powered by Personal AI.


In short, the age of Omni-Personal Marketing is dawning, and it’s driven by the power of Zero-Party Data, Personal Data Stores and personal AI. It’s a shift towards putting customers at the very center, respecting their privacy, and creating lasting, trust-based relationships. In the next five years, this approach will not only become the norm but also set the stage for a new era of marketing, where value creation for both customers and companies is at its core.

At DataSapien, we believe that this foundation of Omni-Personal Marketing is the essential pre-cursor to what will be the next evolution, the arrival of branded personal AIs. Welcome to the future of marketing.

* Multiple-Channel and Omni-Channel Marketing strategy was developed by StJohn Deakins when at in 1999 and presented to T-Mobile UK in January 2000. Omni-Personal Marketing is the natural next step progression to finally deliver marketing that is truly customer and human centric.

Originally published at on November 21, 2023.

