Product Data doesn’t need to be dry JSON: Announcing our new visual dashboard

See it to believe it.

The Ecommerce Intelligencer
2 min readMay 4, 2017


Get both visual and JSON outputs. Do first level evaluation instantly.

A lot of our conversations with prospective customers have flowed along smoothly — till we come to the pause point.

“So when can you get your engineer to have a look at our data?”

And that really got us thinking.

We’ve had a great conversation and discussed everything important — their business needs, data requirements, use cases — so why hit pause right before customers get to really evaluate us.

Announcing the new Semantics3 Playground, an interface to access your query results not just in JSON but in a formatted visual UI.

Take it for a test ride by signing up here.

Sure, it’s good looking. But why?

It’s very simple.

Not everyone is a programmer. We’ve worked with many different kinds of customers — CEOs, product managers, business strategists and entrepreneurs.

Folks who find it hard to look at JSON and make any logical sense of it

It’s really important to us to make our data easily readable and evaluated by all of our customers.

Because if anything, we believe in one true mandate:

We win when our customers win — when they derive genuine business value by deploying our data and APIs in their businesses.

So, by visualizing our data, our customers can truly understand the power of the data that they’re accessing — the power of structured, standardized feature attributes, the beauty of a consolidated, single source of truth for their product catalog.

Get a walk through of the shiny new dashboard:

Try out our visual Semantics3 Playground in a free trial!

