30 Day-Coding Challenge

Days 12 & 13 — The Challenge Continues…

Kester R.
DSV Logs!
Published in
2 min read2 days ago


Photo by Author Via Microsoft Designer & Canva

It’s Day 14 already. It’s been a busy week for me. That’s why I’ve missed my report for two days.

While I missed my reports, I didn’t miss a day of coding. I’m looking to avoid a repeat of Day 10. That said, I didn’t write much code.


I’m not progressing as much as I hoped.

Anyway, the fact remains: my challenge continues…

While I didn’t do much coding in the previous two days, I learned of the existence of other escape characters.

If you were wondering what those are, it’s the “backslash (\)” followed by a character you want to insert.

It allows you to include special characters in a string that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to include directly.

For instance, this will print a new line in a string:

new_line = 'Hi,\nI am a writer'

I am a writer

While I’ve always used the (\’) escape character (since I always use single-line quotes for my codes) and the (\n), I never knew others existed, such as (\t) for tab and (\\) for backslash.

Since I’ve been so busy lately, I’ll be sending out my reports every two days until my schedule clears up (hopefully by next week).

Thanks for reading, and see you soon with my Days 14 & 15 reports…



Kester R.
DSV Logs!

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"