30-Day Coding Challenge

Days 21, 22, & 23 — Exploring Bools

Kester R.
DSV Logs!
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2024


Photo by Author Via Microsoft Designer & Canva

On days 21, 22 & 23, I played around with bools.

When I first heard that term, I completely misspelled it as “bullian” (What in the world is that 😏?) instead of boolean and had no idea what it meant.

Life of a complete noob.

Time passed, and I’ve used this data type for some of my projects, especially along with the if, else, and elif statements.

But recently, I used the in operator for the first time.

Basically, it’s used to determine if a value is part of a collection of values (either strings, variables, lists, or tuples, which is pretty convenient).

Here’s how it can be used with a dictionary.

e_dict = {1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three'}

print(1 in e_dict) #checks if '1' is in e_dict
print('four' in e_dict.values()) #checks if 'four' is part of e_dict's values

The outputs will be:

print(1 in e_dict) #True
print('four' in e_dict.values()) #False

In contrast, the not in operator does the reverse of in. It checks if a value is not part of a collection of values.

print('30' not in '30 Day Challenge')

#OUTPUT: False

This, in addition to using the bool function and if statements are the top highlights of days 21–23 of my coding challenge.

The last week of my challenge approaches…



Kester R.
DSV Logs!

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"