30-Day Coding Challenge

Days 7 & 8 — Goofing Off By Writing 2 Scripts

Kester R.
DSV Logs!
Published in
2 min read6 days ago


Photo by Author Via Microsoft Designer & Canva

I’m officially in the second week of my coding challenge. And the good news? I’ve still got my consistency.

The only thing is I should have sent out a report yesterday. But immediately after coding in the night, I crashed into my bed and couldn’t type a word.

So, in this report, I’ll combine days 7 & 8 reports since they’re closely linked.

Yes, I did something completely different on these days — putting some of the hacks I’d discovered in previous days into practice.

I wrote two Python scripts:

  • String Operations: Modifies user-inputted text by performing actions such as checking for alphabetic characters, checking for digits, converting to uppercase, removing extra spaces, and reversing the text.
  • Number Operations: Performs several operations on user-inputted numbers, including addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, as well as rounding results, flooring results, and floor division.

Looking at these codes now, I see I was just goofing off and having fun. This was also the first time I printed out emojis in my code.

But then again, nothing written in my IDE is wasted, is it?

Here’s my String_Operations code:

That’s all for my Days 7 & 8 reports.

It’s already Day 9 so stay tuned for my next report shortly…

P.S. I’ll embed my number_operations code in the next report.



Kester R.
DSV Logs!

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"