30-Day Coding Challenge Extras

Makeup Day 4 — Challenge Completed!

Countdown to 100 Stories: ⏱️(1 story left)

Kester R.
DSV Logs!


Photo by Author Via Microsoft Designer & Canva

It’s been almost a week since I completed my 30-day coding challenge. Unfortunately, I disappeared from Medium these past few days without writing my last report. So, here it is:

Report for Makeup Day 4

On my last makeup day for coding, I simply played around with functions, parameters,arguments, and the *args keyword.

Talking about the *args, it’s a keyword that allows a Python function to accept an unspecified number of arguments, like this:

def my_function(*args):
for arg in args:

my_function(1, 2, 3, 'hello')


My makeup day 4 wasn’t action-packed as I didn’t discover anything new. Despite that, the fact I opened my IDE and wrote some functions made it a successful coding day.

With that, I can say:

My 30-Day Coding Challenge is Completed!

Here’s a summary of my journey:

While I didn’t achieve as much as I wanted in my challenge, coding consistently for days really helped my progress and habit. Thanks to this, I have several hacks stored in my coding brain.

My challenge may be over but my learning journey isn’t. Thanks for reading till this point and see you soon…



Kester R.
DSV Logs!

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"