MLOps Series, Part 1: Why the World Struggles To Productionalize ML-Driven Solutions

A Wake-Up Call for Everyone in the Data Science Industry

Anastasia Lebedeva
7 min readSep 30, 2020


Whether we are talking about self-driving cars, QR code readers, personalized feed on YouTube, or approvals of loan requests — ML models are more and more often driving automation and “smart” decisions behind. Indeed, building such solutions is a complex but extremely exciting task. No wonder “data scientist” is considered the sexiest job of the 21st century and the field is attracting a lot of people — the idea of letting data solve the world’s challenges is just so intriguing.

But the truth is that enterprise-grade data science is hard. Actually, it is enormously hard. Model versioning and deployment, operating and monitoring — the set of so-called MLOps practices — is often cited as one of the biggest challenges of the ML arena, along with the interconnected DataOps.

In this article, we give our perspective on why that is the case. And what really does it take to make data science bring a true impact on organizations — all through the lens of DataSentics experience.

Are Schools Preparing Us for the Data Science Reality?

Most of the data scientists joining DataSentics have a technical background — a degree from math, statistics, or physics. They have a strong mathematical foundation — ranging from linear algebra and calculus to probability theory and statistics. Need to find eigenvalues? Easy! Define Taylor’s polynomials or proving Bayes’ theorem? No problem!

Those newcomers are often familiar with machine learning (ML) terminology and techniques, have programming skills enough for basic scripting. They are well capable of examining the model statistics (t-test, F-test, R-square) and pointing at which feature is important and how it drives the target variable.

Apart from theory, schools often teach solving entertaining but highly artificial assignments. For instance: “Train a model that will output a house price based on its square footage, number of windows, and color of a wall”. Such tasks, meant to illustrate a method or a principle, are often the only practice students get in touch with during the school years. Obviously, training of such toy models is done on a local computer and often on top of a small nicely-prepared dataset. The output is usually a report and/or code, which will be assessed by a teacher or even evaluated automatically.

To the best of our knowledge, very similar experience data science enthusiasts could gain by taking MOOCs. At the end of the day, fresh graduates experience only the tip of the so-called “Data Science Hierarchy of Needs” as it is defined by the Monica Rogati in this post.

The Data Science Hierarchy of Needs

Kaggle and Other Side-Projects

Data enthusiasts understand well that dry theory is not enough and seek out-of-classroom data science experiences. Here, platforms like Kaggle come into play.

Kaggle challenges participants to solve an actual problem using real-world data of medium to large size. No one judges the beauty of the submitted code, nor asks to actually deploy a model. Participants however have to ensure results are reproducible within the Kaggle server and that the model itself fulfills (often strict) validation criteria. There is no right or wrong approach, and scientists have time and space to experiment and to be creative. They are highly motivated and encouraged to cooperate within and outside of their team.

The dark side of the moon is that a winning solution often ends up being a high complexity model (especially if data are large), often even multiple models ensembled together. This is because solutions are scored and compared based on the model performance, which is a single in-advance defined metrics. We may face a similar “criteria” of evaluation working on a research project or an academic thesis. In reality, though, there is a bunch of factors making a model THE model, such as interpretability, scalability, development and operational costs, and many others.

Enterprise-Grade Data Science

Sooner or later, the industry unravels a completely different view on data science for its newcomers. There, ML-code itself is just a small fraction of an ML-driven system. There are no artificial tasks nor in-advance defined performance metrics. But there are noisy, unavailable, unlabeled, biased, too big, or too small data from different sources and of different formats. In fact, data is considered the biggest bottleneck for AI adoption in enterprises, according to multiple sources [1][2][3]. And last but not least, there is an ultimate goal, many data scientists up to this point face for the first time in their career, being productionalization of the model.

Enterprise-grade ML-driven solution components (from

Indeed, to bring true impact, companies need to be capable not only at developing but also at delivering data-driven solutions as well as at establishing and managing data and model-related operations. This is a tricky thing to achieve (especially from scratch) as a specific cross-discipline skill set and collaboration between multiple teams is required. As it is concluded based on the results of survey of 200 executives on the topic of AI adoption

80% of teams cite collaboration as a challenge with technology skills gaps and project management and oversight as the primary drivers of this divide — resulting in communication breakdowns and friction that slow productivity.

As companies are only maturing toward MLOps, they tend to underestimate or even overlook corresponding costs and complexities. That leaves teams responsible for productionalization (which often are data scientists themselves) unarmed and exhausted. As many data scientists are facing the challenges for the first time, they struggle to communicate it with other teams, establish collaboration, and even approach the technical complexity of it.

Original image by nugroho dwi hartawan from Pixabay

Indeed, another key finding of the aforementioned survey is the importance of a unified approach to data and model workflows, expecting as top outcomes a dramatic increase in operational efficiency, time to market acceleration, and boost in both business and technical decision-making efficiency.

As we can see, there are multiple reasons why enterprise-grade data science is hard, but there is one crucial outcome — companies are struggling to adopt data driven-solutions. Putting these statements into numbers

55% of [interviewed] companies say they haven’t yet deployed a machine learning model (up from 51% of companies last year).

50% of [interviewed] companies say they spend between 8 and 90 days deploying one model. And 18 percent of companies are taking longer than 90 days — some spending more than a year productionizing!

41% of [interviewed] companies say the second most difficult challenge with ML is the versioning and reproducibility of models.

as 2020 State of Enterprise Machine Learning survey reports.

The Wake-Up Call

The aforementioned challenges are major and require awareness. Fortunately, the community realizes the MLOps and the DataOps importance and complexities and is actively investing in it. Algorithmia in 2020 State of Enterprise Machine Learning reports based on the comparison with data from 2018 that

Machine learning operationalization (having a deployed ML lifecycle) is fledgling but maturing across all industries with software and IT firms leading the charge.

The number of data scientist roles at companies is often less than 10, but is growing rapidly across all industries.

New roles emerge, such as data engineers, ETL engineers, ML engineers, and even MLOps engineers. Many tools and practices are developed and rapidly adopted. A great curated overview of open source libraries can be found in the “Awesome production machine learning” repo; other great actively evolving MLOps-supporting services include Azure Machine Learning and AWS Sagemaker.

Apart from tooling, we need to make sure companies are well aware of enterprise-grade data science components and complexities and are well equipped to face it. And that the academy is making appropriate steps toward it as well. Moreover, we ask data scientists and data engineers to be aware too and to allocate resources to approach the whole model lifecycle systematically — even if it would require a rebellion against currently established company’s practices. And remember, that even this part of data science is resource-consuming and challenging, it is very exciting too, being, at the end of the day, the crucial component enabling ML adoption by the enterprise.

As DataSentics’s mission is to “make data science and machine learning have a real impact on organizations across the world”, we take the challenges especially seriously. In the future blog posts of the series, we want to discuss how we approach MLOps and to present the framework we adopt, enabling us and our client to bring agility to machine learning and data science solution development and delivery.

Related Sources and Further Reading

  1. “The quest for high-quality data. Machine learning solutions for data integration, cleaning, and data generation are beginning to emerge” — by Ihab Ilyas and Ben Lorica
  2. “Why We Need DevOps for ML Data” — by Kevin Stumpf
  3. “2018 Trend Report: Enterprise AI Adoption. How today’s largest companies are overcoming the top challenges of AI” — by Databricks team
  4. “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems” — by Google, Inc team
  5. “MLOps: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline. As ML matures from research to applied business solutions, so do we need to improve the maturity of its operation processes” — by Cristiano Breuel
  6. “MLOps: Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in machine learning” — by Google, Inc team

Thank you for reading up to this point. If you have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a response. Also, if you have a topic in mind that you would like us to cover in future posts, let us know.

