5 Important Things I Learned About B2B Sales as a Startup CTO

How my tech background helped me win deals

Aris Pattakos


Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

I had zero B2B sales experience before founding my startup 3 years ago. I can even go as far as to say that I was the opposite thing of a good salesperson: introverted, shy, and not very good at closing.

I soon realized that selling is a skill that can be learned, even if you’re an engineer. Some salespeople are more talented than others, but reading and practicing can get you far as it did in my case.

As not only the CTO but also the founder, I’ve always been involved in a ton of things including sales in our company. Even though I didn’t expect it, my tech background and my role as CTO helped me do well in sales and help our team win deals.

I’ll be sharing some of the ways my role as CTO helped me win sales and how these ideas can help you as well if you’re involved with sales in any capacity.

1. Know your product

This is repeated very often but is always important to remember. To sell well, you must know your product inside-out. As a CTO this comes as a given since I’m involved in the creation of the product and know all of the features.

