Book Summary: Statistics — A Very Short Introduction

How can we apply statistical methods to real-world problems?

Arthur Mello
12 min readMay 2, 2019


Who should read this book?

You either work with data or want to start to, but come from a tech background or just don’t remember much from Stats 101, and need a refresh on the basics of statistics.

One-paragraph summary

It’s a good starting point to understanding statistics: it approaches a broad range of topics, from basic probability to random forests, without going too deep in any of them, so no previous mathematical background is required.

Full summary


The author starts by giving a series of possible definitions for statistics, one of them being “the technology of extracting meaning from data”.

“Statistics is hocupocus with numbers” — Audrey Habera and Richard Runyon

He then gives a glance of the many different applications that are possible with statistics, from public policy to marketing to spam filtering, and mentions some of the issues that can arise from misusing it. The most notable example is the Sally Clark case: in 1999, a young British lawyer was sentenced for life for killing her two baby children who she claimed had died from cot death. The sentence was based on the testimony of Sir Roy Meadow, the prosecution’s paediatrician, that said that it was nearly impossible that this was the actual cause, since the chances of this happening to two children was of 1 in 73 million. The verdict was then that the mother was guilty. The probability calculated by the doctor was, however, flawed: he did it by multiplying the probability of one cot death two times. This method, however, needs the two events to be independent, which they are not, considering that, given that one of the children died from it might indicate genetic conditions that will also manifest in the second child.

This, and many other examples, show that statistics has an important role in society: providing evidence. Without it, we cannot subject our opinions to test, and they remain mere speculations.

Statistics began on the end of the 19th century only as discursive explorations of data. In the first half of the 20th century it evolved and became a more mathematics-oriented field. Only in the second half of the 20th century it faced its latest revolution with the use of computers, which allowed the field to develop its methods and apply heavy-computational algorithms.


In statistics, we analyse objects and their attributes usually in the shape of observations and variables. This information can, sometimes, be overwhelming, so we might want to aggregate it by doing simple summary statistics: average, dispersion, skewness and quantiles, for example.

The concept of average can comprise many formal concepts, but the most used case is the arithmetical mean: the sum of all values, divided by the number of observations. For example, if we wanted to understand the attribute “age” for a given classroom of college students, instead of looking at all the students’ ages, we sum them all, divide by the number of students, and get 22 years. It doesn’t mean all students are 22 years old, but it gives us an overall picture: some are older, some are younger, but we can imagine it is not a classroom full of kids, for example.

However, let’s take a second example: there’s five people, four of them earn $5,000 a month and one of them earns $100,000 a month. In average, these people make $24,000 a month. However, this does not fully describe their real situation, since it is not a group of people where everyone earns more or less $24,000. From here we can add the concept of dispersion: how far from the average are the values in this group? One measure of dispersion is the variance, calculated by taking the square of the difference between all the numbers and the mean, and then calculating their averages. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just take the mean without the square part? Yes, but then positive and negative values would reduce each other’s effects, cancelling out the whole purpose of measuring dispersion. We can take the square root ofthe variance as another measure, called the standard deviation.

Ok, so we know the average and whether the dispersion is high or low, but how exactly is the shape of this dispersion? For this, we can look at skewness and quantiles. Skewness measures the lack of symmetry in the population: if it’s very asymmetric, there are many more values higher or lower than the average. Quantiles tell you what value you should take if you want a certain percentage of the population below this value, and there are a few types of quantiles. One of the most common is the percentile: if you are in the 90th percentile of your classroom’s grades, it means you have better grades than 90% of the your classroom.

Collecting good data

“Garbage in, garbage out” — Everyone data science article out there

When collecting data for analysis, it is very important to pay attention to its quality: no matter how sophisticated are your models, if you put bad data in, your outcome will also be poor.

Pay special attention to missing data: sometimes it’s random but sometimes it can also reveal an underlying pattern. For example, when asking people for their income, people who get really good (or really bad) salaries may prefer not to answer, generating missing data that can actually give you some information. To deal with missing data, you can ignore it, remove those observations/variables or you can try to input it by replacing them by something simple such as the sample mean or by something a lot more complex, using prediction algorithms. It will depend mostly on your data and your goals. When data is incorrect, on the other hand, most of the time there’s not much that can be done a posteriori so avoid making these mistakes when fetching data.

When it comes to data sources, they can basically be of two types: observational or experimental. The first one comes from real-life observations whereas the latter comes from controlled experiments. Experimental studies are better for isolating variables and causation effects but they are usually harder to do. When conducting experiments, we should plan very well our experiment design: choosing the best groups for measuring the impact of each variable, taking into account the effect of interactions. For example, if we want to test the effect of a new drug, we should have a control group and a test group, sampled randomly from the population, ideally with similar characteristics. If the test group has only men and the control group has only women, we won’t be able to know if the observed results were the effect of the drug or of the subject’s gender.

For this kind of procedure, we can apply techniques from a statistics domain called survey sampling, which can help us the best methods of sampling individuals within a population.


Another definition of statistics is “the science of handling uncertainty”, which is what the study of probability tries to address. A lot of its utility is based on the Law of Large Numbers, which roughly means that, if when you toss of a coin you have 50% chances of getting heads, then the more you throw the coin, the closer the overall proportion of heads will be to 50%.

This leads us to the two main approaches when it comes to probability: frequentist and Bayesian. Roughly, frequentists see probabilities as the proportion of times the event would occur if the exact same circumstances were repeated infinitely. The Bayesian approach takes into account the amount of information available: probability is subject to how much we know, and thus it changes as we gather new information.

Whatever approach you take, you will encounter the idea of independence between events. Basically, two events being independent means that the occurrence of one of them does not affect the probability of the other one occurring. If we throw two coins separately, the fact that we got heads in one does not change the probability of getting heads in the second one.

To look at dependent events, we often use the Bayes theorem, which is given by the formula below:

Skymind’s beginner’s guide to the Bayes theorem

Ok, that’s very useful, but how do we know these probabilities? In basic exercises, usually we have probabilities that are easy to calculate, with things such as coins and dice. But how do we deal with more complicated probabilities? We work with cumulative distribution functions, which give us the probabilities of finding a value smaller (or greater) than another value we set. For example, if we knew the distribution of people’s heights in our town, we could calculate the probability of finding someone shorter (or taller) than 1.80m. From this function, we can derive the probability distribution, that gives us the probability that a value will fall within a certain range (we could know the probability of someone being between 1.70m and 1.80m tall, for example).

Some distributions are particularly important since they are often found in many real-life phenomena: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian, to mention a few. The Gaussian distribution is particularly important because of the Central Limit Theorem that states that, for any given distribution, when we sample the population many times, the means of those samples will follow a Gaussian distribution with the same mean as the original population.

Gaussian distribution. Source: Wikipedia

Probability distributions are a huge subject, and there’s a lot of content out there on it. It is out of the scope of the book to go into the details of each of them but it’s an interesting subject to study further.

Estimation and inference

Once we have our probability distribution, we want to be able to make estimations from a given sample. For example, let’s say we sample a few students in a school, get their ages and want to estimate the average age in the school. There are mainly two approaches to it: Maximum Likelihood and Least Squares. The first one reasons that our estimation of the average age in the population should be the one that makes the sampled result the most likely. The latter tries to find the estimation that will yield the smaller difference between estimated values and observations. And how do we choose an estimator? Ideally, we want an unbiased estimator, such that it is expected to give us a true result, but also one that doesn’t vary too much depending on the sample we take.

What if we want to estimate an interval, instead of a single point? It is also possible, due to something called confidence interval. A confidence interval can be calculated from the distribution we have, and will allow us to make a statement more or less like “I’m 95% confident that the average age in this school is between 10 and 12”, which can be quite useful for decision-making.

Another important statistical method is called hypothesis testing, which is used to test if your parameter takes a specific value or lies within a specific range. Let’s say we want to know if men and women earn the same. We sample a group of men and a group of women, calculate their average wages and find out that men earn in average $35,000 a year and women make $33,000. Ok, can we really say that those populations are essentially different? What if women earned $34,999, could we also reach the same conclusion? How big should this difference be so that we can say its statistically significant? We set a level of confidence we want to have (say 95%) and test our hypothesis. There are many ways of doing it, depending on what we are testing and on the population distribution but, if we do it right, our test will indicate us if our hypothesis holds or not.

Statistical models

A statistical model is some simple representation or description of the system we are studying. Since it is a simplification, we’ll necessarily lose information in this process, so we try not to lose the most important bits.

“All models are wrong, some models are useful” — George Box

Models can be mechanistic, based in a solid underlying theory (such as gravity) that allows us to predict some behaviour (an object falling, for example) or empirical, more common in the social sciences, where we try to infer the theory from observed data.

They can also be exploratory, where we try to find relationships and patterns (ex.: looking at demographic data to see if there are characteristics that are correlated) or confirmation models, where we test our conjectures to see if they are supported by data.

Finally, they can be split into descriptive models, where we try to characterise our data, calculating means, standard deviations, etc., or predictive models, were we try to infer some variable’s behaviour based on the other variables.

Predictive models are quite useful and they can be very simple or very complicated, usually depending on the number of explanatory variables we use. However, more complicated models do not always yield better predictions. Sometimes, adding more information makes models so specific for our sample that they do not generalise well for the whole population. This phenomenon is called overfitting.

Statistical models are often based on the idea of correlation: when two variables are correlated, it means that observing a value for one of them gives us a hint on the value of the other. For example, height and weight: tall people tend to be heavier and heavy people tend to be taller. Obviously, tall people can be light and heavy people can be short, but there’s still an overall trend. Correlation can also be negative, for example temperature and hot chocolate sales: the higher the temperature, the less people buy hot chocolate. Correlation is usually represented by a correlation coefficient that goes from -1 (perfect negative correlation) to 0 (no correlation at all) to 1 (perfect positive correlation). It is very important to keep in mind that correlation does not mean causation. For example, ice cream sales and deaths by drowning are correlated, but one does not cause the other, it’s just that in warmer days people buy more ice cream and swim more, so usually when ice cream sales go up it’s because it’s a warm day, meaning more people will swim (and drown).

In the end, the author briefly goes through some important statistical methods that are worth checking in more detail:

Regression analysis: it allows us to say “someone who weights 83kg is expected to be 1.83m tall”, based on a sample, even if we haven’t sampled anyone who’s 83kg. The most basic type of regression is linear regression, which supposes a linear relationship between two variables, as per the example below:

Trying to predict muscle strength based on lean body mass. Taken from

In the plot above, we can see our sample data (the dots) and the estimated regression line that will allow us to make estimations.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA): it allows us to compare means from many different populations and test if they are significantly different or not.

Clustering: used for finding groups of observations that are very similar. We just set the number of groups we want in the end and the algorithm gives us the best partitions.

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA): technique for finding the best linear combination of features in order to characterise different observations. Roughly, it helps us find attributes that are good at differentiating observations.

K-nearest neighbours (KNN): method used to estimate an attribute of a specific observation, based on the K observations that are the most similar to it.

Decision tree: it is a very intuitive model used to estimate a certain characteristic (numeric or not) for a given variable, based on decision rules:

Simple decision tree taken from this article:

Time series: there is a whole domain in statistics dedicated to studying how certain variables fluctuate on time, based on concepts like trend and seasonality.

Factor analysis: in summary, it tries to find factors that are responsible for the shared variance between the observed variables.

Cross-validation: to avoid overfitting, we should not test our models on the same data they were trained on. There are many different methods that allow us to do that, such as splitting our sample data into two groups, one for training and one for testing.

Bootstrapping: it’s a good technique for getting better models, by sampling observations and replacing them within the actual sample.

Survival analysis: for example, imagine studying impacts of a disease in people’s lifetimes. After 20 years of study, some people have died, some haven’t. How do you deal with those who didn’t die, since you do not know their total lifetime yet? If you remove them from the study, you remove everyone who survived, and you will estimate a lifetime shorter than it actually is. Survival analysis deals with this sort of specificity.

Statistical computing

With the advent of computers, most of the calculations needed for statistical analysis can be done within seconds with softwares such as R, which really helped this field to grow, and made statistician’s work a lot easier and more productive. On the other hand, it made it easier to apply methods without mastering how they actually work, leading sometimes to wrong results.


The book really covers a broad range of subjects, so of course it is not possible to go too deep in any of them. However, it’s a very good introductory book, specially for those who come from a non-mathematical background. It is important, though, to pick some subjects that seem more relevant to you and study them in more depth. I’ll give it 7/10.



Arthur Mello

Data scientist and educator. I write about data analysis and machine learning applied to marketing. New time series course: