Cloud Computing, basic design concepts

Alex Mosso
Published in
6 min readJul 23, 2020


The underlying architecture of the cloud is shared-nothing. A shared-nothing architecture is that one where a single component or node has its own CPU, memory, network, storage unit, etc. In a cloud environment, this is achieved thanks to Linux namespaces. Basically, Linux namespaces are the key features of containers, and containers are essential elements in a cloud environment.

Recently, many authors have advised that every node or micro-service should have its own database, maybe because in a shared-nothing architecture every node might have its own storage unit, but storage unit doesn’t necessarily mean database.

If you want to see some benchmarks and how shared-nothing behaves, you should see these articles.

Who else uses shared-nothing?



Alex Mosso

I solve problems to empower operations, maximize performance and increase profits.