Creating Time Comparison Trend using Tableau

Karl Christian
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019

In most organization, we will always find this metrics, like Month over Month comparison or Year over Year comparison, that usually we called as MoM, YoY respectively.

YoY is giving business users insights about how their business product is performed compared to last year in the same month basis. This is very common metric.

I just make the term become more general into Time Comparison Trend because I want to know YoY trend on monthly basis. I create this using Tableau.

Data source I use is from Badan Pusat Statistik, which is passengers data from 5 big airport in Indonesia, please direct to this link.

Goal: See YoY comparison on monthly basis for several months to get the performance of each airport in Indonesia

dashboard preview (in Quarter-Month)

We can see that there’s trend of actual value over months and years in top side, and we can see also the trend of time comparison between two years in below.

Using this dashboard, simply, you can pick numerator year that you want to compare then choose the denominator year to be compared with.

Steps to create this dashboard:

  1. Create a monthly basis over time, best practice should in Quarter that can be drilled down until Month.

2. Create Parameter for Numerator and Denominator, this is the comparison between years (ex: 2017, 2018 and 2019).

Parameter edit

3. Create year comparison calculated field.

comparison calculated field

4. Then, apply the measurements to Rows board.

5. Lastly, you can slice and dice your dashboard to some filters to get some better insights (ex: Airport name, month of date, quarter or date, etc).

I want to thank any team members that give inspirations by exposing this kind of analysis to me, and I’m motivated to share with anyone. Yes, I think this is simple tableau one, but it’s meaningful and creating impact to any analysis.

There’s a lot of room for improvement for this story, we can create more interactive dashboard than just regular one or you want to use any other tools beside Tableau, so feel free to reach out to me if you have any ideas. Especially, it’s good for me because I want to create data analysis best practice in medium regularly :)

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Karl Christian

Data Engineering | Data Warehouse | Analytics Engineering