Education System of the Future Is Not Like the Past Anymore As More Technology Are Being Brought Into It

Jie Liang Chua
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2020

The future has changed in many areas of life since the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus pandemic. The way we shop, have social gatherings, etc. have all changed. The same case is present in the education field. Students across the globe are now taking part in online classes due to lockdown being imposed. Educational institutions including universities have shut down in many countries whilst pupils are learning online.

It has now been a few months that students are depending on online education for their degree. There are different tools used for this. This instance has made people think about the increasing impact that technology has on changing education.

With the help of education technology or edtech, advanced tools along with media can be gotten to aid in transferring information in a way like if one was sitting in a classroom.


With the help of e-learning, classrooms are no longer important. Teaching is now pursued with the help of digital technology. This trend is thought to remain and continue for some time. It has led to analysts considering whether education can be changed to handle the digital era. The impact will have upon studying across the world is being looked at as well.

Change in the education field

The education field has not been fast to handle change until the present. People are thinking that the present courses happening online will not be able to fulfill the future requirements of the new century’s advanced technology era. This encompasses many students around the world.

The information that children are getting may be useless. The technology period does not take facts as being important for only getting information. This is because there are many things present online for this.

Present international education procedures that tend to look at learning facts by heart are not important when looking at the increase in digital technology wants. This needs people who have problem-handling abilities.

Impact on jobs

Because education system is changing, jobs will alter automatically. The digital revolution may alter job profiles much. Many jobs may not be able to get any staff and workers because the workers will not have the correct qualifications for these. Especially those fields that need to do practical work will suffer as this is tough to do online.

Edtech is not only concerned with intermingling technology within classrooms. Coronavirus has focused on providing people with essential life skills. Technology may be employed to look at experiential, inquiry-based along with adaptive learning for pupils.

Effect on teachers

Teachers’ jobs have become different as well. In fact, their whole lifestyle has changed. They do not need to stress about going physically to class for instance. Some people believe that technology can enhance teachers’ productivity, letting them have extra time to give personalized help to pupils who require it. Teachers will not only need to give solid facts to students, they will now have to aid them in developing character along with advancing important life skills. This looks positive for the future.

You may not have known this, but even before the coronavirus outbreak edtech had been increasing. Much investment has occurred in this field, but now this has become prominent due to Covid-19.

Edtech companies are becoming more across the globe. This is due to the fact that it is required by people. Competition in this area is therefore increasing. Headquarters for Edtech can be seen in the U.S., India, Brazil, U.K., China. Whichever country can invest here and advance in this field will succeed.

The three countries that are likely to draw venture capital or VC include Sweden, China plus Italy. Their new companies have been able to get much funding.

Fresh edtech innovation encompasses items like learning apps, the employment of virtual reality or VR plus augmented reality, or AR inside classrooms. Some students are now able to take part in an exciting VR field trip. It is now possible to develop different, and immersive classes, exciting game learning features along with artificial intelligence or AI. This is done to aid in analyzing, figuring out, and looking at students’ work. Students also need to be assessed carefully if this is to succeed.

Edtech in different countries

Edtech pursuits in China have encouraged people to invest in this field. Individuals are interested in putting their money into start-ups which develops the ability for people to have skills to survive in the new century. Edtech advances here are looking at the employment of AI as well as VR to encourage people to learn.

It was in 2018 that Squirrel AI Learning, i.e. an edtech initiative utilized AI to develop curriculums for pupils. They got much funding and now have many teachers as well. Teachers also need to have the correct skills to be able to work here. Those who do not have these are lagging and are not getting employed.

Various international companies are interested to be present in Hong Kong. The reason for this is that it is a wonderful area to be able to go within China’s market. Hong Kong has a free economic system and much talent. This is necessary for edtech businesses that want to form their business within China along with Asia. They even have much finance to place in edtech to handle issues in education.

It is important that technology advance accordingly to help cater to the new education system which is online due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Classes need to be advanced and able to develop those skills in students that will be helpful for them to prosper. People need to consider the fact that not everyone has easy access to the internet. The issue should be addressed if online education is to succeed and be the future of education. Edtech is showing some positivity to help people advance significantly in this area of life.

Originally published at on July 8, 2020.

