Portrait of Edmond Belamy, 2018, created by GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). Francis Bacon redux, image Christie’s

Fahrenheit 2050: the Future Shock of AI & Machine Learning

The Introvert
Published in
8 min readApr 26, 2019


Can otherwise benevolent AI hearken our ultimate undoing?

I’m categorically ambivalent on the subject of technological advances/intrusion into our everyday lives. That includes AI and higher machine learning. On the one hand, AI is used and will be used for brilliant life-changing developments in endeavors like medicine, generative design, scientific research, and a lot of what is to come of which we really have no idea.

Yet, mostly it will be used for harmless mundane things like selecting which clothes to wear or what music you want to listen to — a tool of software development. Anything developers can make a buck with. AI already is deployed everywhere on the Internet in apps developed by Amazon, Spotify, Google, Apple, and countless others, second guessing our buying habits, and convincing us to adapt to subliminal or blatant suggestions.

“However, it’s the flip-side of AI — it’s potentially sour underbelly that should give us pause if it hasn’t already creeped us out a bit.

As AI engines become more powerful they are designed and put to use for more sophisticated (and redeeming) purposes, such as conducting a mobile combustible engine along a freeway or managing a…



The Introvert

Mischievous and snarky pookah. Fact checker. Oxford comma aficionado. Has cats