Healthtech Is Becoming Data-Driven

How data is transforming the HealthTech industry

Felix Ingla


Data is revolutionizing the methods used by patients to take care of their health: it can help facilitate the ease of creating responses to the patients’ most urgent questions. Simple offerings have been around for years, as measuring the heartbeat or the number of steps taken in a day. However, now, thanks to the evolution of technology, devices can obtain more valuable and intuitive insights.

Mobile apps, such as K-Health, are using data inputs to diagnose primary care issues such as back pain or dehydration. Another company, Zebra Medical Vision, uses data to transcribe scans into actionable insights that are easier to interpret. Other startups like Celmatix are drawing data from genetics to prevent issues related to sexual wellness.

All of these companies have one crucial thing in common: the reliability in data as a tool to offer more accurate services to the customer. Healthcare is becoming data-driven.

The role of Data

K Health is a conversational AI primary care solution native to smartphones. They are based both in Israel and New York, and they have raised $25M in a Series B in late 2018, led by Mangrove Capital Partners, 14W and Comcast ventures.

