How Fast R-CNN works on object detection?

Introduction to Fast R-CNN

Edward Ma


Photo by Edward Ma on Unsplash

This is the second story for R-CNN series. You may understand more about R-CN from here. Fast R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) is designed to tackle the object detection problems.

This story will discuss Fast R-CNN (Girshick, 2015), and the following will be covered:

  • The architecture of Fast R-CNN
  • Region-of-Interest Pooling (RoIPool)
  • Model Training
  • Experiment


Giving an image and region proposals, it will passing thought convolutional network, Region-of-Interest (RoI) polling, fully connected network networks (FC) and the final output are the probability of object class and corresponding bounding box positions.

Fast R-CNN Network Architecture (Girshick R., 2015)

To prevent missing lots of objects, it is intended to have a high recall in finding region proposals. However, it impacts the performance in object detection parts. RoI comes to address this issue by choosing suitable region proposals.

Region-of-Interest Pooling (RoIPool)



Edward Ma

Focus in Natural Language Processing, Data Science Platform Architecture.