My Relationship With Technology

Tiffany Horan
Published in
7 min readMar 1, 2020


I’ve been writing blog posts and journal entries for about fifteen years. To put that into perspective, that’s half of my life.

Having archived or deleted all of my angst riddled teenage posts as well as those from my early (existential crisis) twenties, I decided it was time to start again.

I’ve been writing professionally for about five years, companies now pay me to write blog posts. There’s a nice example in a post I wrote entitled ‘How to be More Human’.

I was always very good at writing. The voice in my head always seemed far more eloquent than the one coming out of my mouth. Now, this post is about technology, so why am I writing about or perhaps more accurately, typing, about writing?

My dad worked in the instrumentation and control engineering (ICE) industry and it’s likely I got my ability to write from him. Not only is he a brilliant storyteller but he also let me use his computer!

The first program I used to type something longer than a couple of sentences was Word 95. Luckily for me, my dad’s computer was always updated (Word 97, Word 98, Word 2000). I wrote about Mars and submitted it as part of a school science project.

I imagine I used a physical encyclopedia to get my information as Google wasn’t the search engine it is today. People used to…

