New, Free No-Code AI Certificate Course Released By AI Startup

Here’s why it’s worth it.

Frederik Bussler


Photo by Samsung Memory on Unsplash


Companies around the world are saving money by turning to “no-code” tools — Webflow instead of HTML and CSS, Obviously.AI instead of Python and R, Substack instead of dealing with RESTful email APIs and SMTP libraries.

In 2020, no-code finally become a globally viral term, and it’s now said that “no-code is eating the world.” The most well-known AI model today, OpenAI’s GPT-3, is itself a no-code AI tool. Users are given access to a simple input-output interface, where they manipulate prompts and tweak metrics like “temperature” to get a desired output. No-code needed.

The Course

One no-code AI company, Obviously.AI — which is used by thousands of businesses — recently launched a free, online no-code AI crash course.

The course is a self-contained deck that users can start at any time. You’ll learn how to build and deploy AI models, and to get the certificate at the end, you’ll do…

