Python Basics in Numpy for Machine Learning & Data Science

Get comfortable with Python in order to start into Data Science and Machine Learning

Tarun Gupta


Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

In this post, we are going to glance over Python as a programming language and a discussion of objects, map, lambda functions, list comprehension and a very powerful numerical Python library named numpy. This is not a detailed discussion of the above-mentioned things but rather a brief introduction in order to get started into writing code for Machine Learning models and Data Science in general.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Note: This post is based on Python3

Objects and map() in Python

→ An example of a class in python:

class Person:
department = 'School of Information' #a class variable
def set_name(self, new_name): #a method = new_name
def set_location(self, new_location):
self.location = new_location

Creating an object of the above class and accessing its variables and functions

person = Person()
person.set_name('Christopher Brooks')
person.set_location('Ann Arbor, MI, USA')
print('{} live in {} and works in the…



Tarun Gupta

A simple fellow writing stories, sharing experiences, sharing his perspective, trying to do his share of humanity.