The 35 Day Challenge to Master Python

Bipin Krishnan P
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2019
Enjoy Your Learning Journey

Hey there! Nice to see you.

Have you come across words like the ones below:

— “Learn python with these 10 books”

— “Go from beginner to pro python programmer with these resources”

— “Top 10 books to learn python”

But, let me ask you this,

Did they tell you the method to learn python ?

The perfect answer is: a BIG NO.

Hmm, so how do I learn python ?

Just chill up man, I’m here to help you with that.

OK, note this one point:

If you follow each and every step in this article, you will be in a position between intermediate and expert python programmer with a bonus skill of automation.

Get ready to be even more excited, because this can be achieved with 35 days of hard work.

Yes, you’ve read it right man, it’s 35 days.

Oh, is that so ? What is the proof ?

Oh, you don’t believe me,

I’m the proof.

I’m not from a computer science background and you can check some of my python projects here.

Got your proof, right.

Then, what’s stopping you?

Take The Challenge, Fire Up Your Systems.

Hmm, but where Do I Start ?

I’ve told you, not to worry because I’m here to help you with that.

I don’t have a lot of resources to overwhelm you, but I’ve got a single book for you -“Automating the Boring Stuff with Python” and that’s more than enough.

But before moving any further,

I want you to either have a soft copy or a hard copy of the syllabus present here.

Remember my words:

If you follow each and every step in this article, you will be in a position between intermediate and expert python programmer with a bonus skill of automation.

You’ve got no other option my friend, but to get a copy of the syllabus.

Congrats dude, you’ve made your first step.

Now what ?

Got the 35 day challenge syllabus on my hands, now what ?

Mark it down, your Day 1 starts now.

Let me tell you one thing:

Always read e-books on your desktop with a physical notebook to take down your notes on what you are reading and this is the most important part.

This notes may include code snippets or explanations in your own language.

The Magic Method for learning

So, how to learn ?

Before learning how to learn, note down the syllabus for your current day from the 35 Day Challenge Syllabus.

Fire up your e-book or hard copy of the book “Automating the Boring Stuff with Python”.

As you read through each part of the book take notes on your notebook.

After you complete your reading, get your python interpreter ready.

Now is the time to write down all the code you’ve learned today into the interpreter. Whenever you get stuck or get an error, never look for answers in the book(automating the boring stuff with python).

Instead try to figure out your error by referencing the notebook you’ve used for taking notes or googling the error. This is the reason why taking notes is very important.

Take my word -Knowing how to google for things is one of the most important skill for a developer.

This is what happens when you do the above steps:

  1. You learn through reading the book.
  2. You learn by taking notes.
  3. You learn by practicing the code.
  4. You reference back when you get stuck to make the concepts even stronger.

The thing is that you are learning a concept at least 3 times and at most 4 times.

Why should I take the 35 Day Challenge ?

The scope is very large.

The challenge makes you fit for taking on projects like the ones below:

  • Python app to update you with price falls for a particular product on your favorite e-commerce website
  • Automate the dinosaur game in chrome
  • Automated form filling
  • Scrape the web to download images of your choice
  • Automate Facebook account creation
  • Auto tweet
  • News scraping

The list is end less and imagination is your limit.


You’ve got your learning resource, learning method, syllabus and 35 days on your hands. Think about all the cool things you will be able to perform after 35 days. Wish you a great learning journey, learning never ends, it’s a life long process.

