The Ultimate Guide To Find the Best Outsourcing Software Development Partner in 2021 (updated)

Sophia Martin
Published in
8 min readOct 1, 2019


Every year, a huge amount of investment is being done in the IT industry. According to Statista, the expected amount invested in IT services is 1,031 billion U.S Dollars worldwide.

Here is the graphical representation indicating the trend of hiring software developers for your business needs.

To outshine in the highly competitive IT industry, it is vital to integrate outstanding software products that can enhance your productivity and work efficiency. This is why many enterprises have decided to hire dedicated software development teams capable of understanding your business objectives.

Finding the most trusted mobile app development companies to interpret the most desirable services is as hard as choosing the best app idea. This might be hard to digest, but it is true that out of 10,000 applications developed, only 3 or 4% will win the game, while rest 95–96% will remain in a dilemma. For enterprises, this means that market fluctuations and increasing competition are greatly stacked you against. But don’t let anything stop you from reaching your goal.

As software and technology are quickly revolutionizing the field, it is worthwhile to rent a coder that can analysis the broader scope including stages from idea generation to final product manifestation. The rising need for sophisticated models and tools is difficult to accomplish with the in-house team.

According to the stats and facts of statista, the figure of the available applications in the Google Play store has been recently touched to 2.7 million.

Further, according to IDC calculations, in 2018 the number of software developers in the world grew to 22.3 million that is expected to reach 26.4 million by the end of 2019 and 27.7 million by 2023.

In the ocean of expertise finding the productive software developer with transparent pricing and full-stack support from start to finish is one of the tricky and tedious jobs for enterprises. Did you know renting the right coder can take up to one month? To simplify the task, in this blog, I’m listing some key points that one should keep in mind while outsourcing software development company.

Before jumping to the suggestions to outsource software development company, let’s understand why you need to outsource the software development partner for your business.

Peter Druker Says “Do What You Do Best Outsource The Rest”.

And it is 100% true! When the experts are ready to deliver a one-stop solution integrated with the latest technology, why to choose the troublesome route of working with an in-house IT team.

Why Do Companies Need Outsourcing?

According to a survey report of Deloitte, a few common reasons are highlighted behind the increasing need for outsourcing Software developers.

59% of companies hire Indian Developers to minimize or control the production cost.

57% of companies outsource to enhance their focus on the core strategies of their business.

31% to enhance their service quality

28% hire to collaborate, talented professionals

Global Outsourcing Trends in the IT Industry

According to the recent PwC analysis, the market has three times increased in a very short period. And facts are revealing that by 2020, the potential will probably reach by $5.7 billion.

The PwC survey reveals that various countries including Ukraine, Romania, Poland, and Belarus will be the next hot spots. The dynamics of the IT industry in these countries has already fertile soil for setting up an offshore development team and soon to take the leading positions after India and China.

The current stats and facts of outsourcing software development companies globally make you understand why it is important to join hands with the app development company. However, the main question is still standing in front of us…

How to find your favorite pearl in the bunch of oysters?

So, when you need the best software development company by your side, just keep some factors or parameters in mind listed in this blog. With thorough research and deep analysis, I have made this list to help you hire a software development company as per your requirement and budget.

How to outsource the best application development company for your business?

1. Hire Someone Smarter and Talented Than You

A good recipe to make your company successful is to hire someone smarter than you. You must have heard that saying, “Talent Attracts Talent Itself”.

Believe me, it’s a golden rule of hiring!

A-level developers always recommend other A-level developers to you. If you hire a B-level application developer, they will suggest C-level programmers so they seem best in comparison.

According to Steve Newcomb, Founder, and CEO of, “one of the worst things in the world you can do is to hire the first 10 employees with B-level people. You will end up with 100 C-level people”. That’s why Steve employs “try before you buy” philosophy.

2. Avoid Hiring “Superman”

You can’t blow all your resources searching a Rockstar. You want a team of avengers!

Likewise, developing software is not a one-man army task, though customized applications are developed by teams.

Kyri Sarantakos, VP of Engineering at TheLadders, says that hiring a superman with a bunch of second-tier programmers is simply a flop idea. He added great software products are developed by teams that truly leverage the individual strengths of their members.

It won’t be wrong to say that, the right choice dev team can alter the customer experience.

According to Temkin Group, the companies that earn $1 billion annually, can expect to earn, on average $700 million within 3 years if rightly investing in customer experience.

That’s right.

Let’s take an example to understand this statement in a better way. For instance, customers are willing to pay a price premium for luxury and indulgence services, if they get great services. The same goes while hiring software development teams. The choice of coders increases business opportunities and enhances the customer experience by delivering the quality of the product.

3. Choose Talent Over Stability

Steve Newcomb says I’d rather rent gold than buying silver!

Putting yourself ahead in the competition is a tough job even after having the best dev team by your side. Top talents will always move on to better things, so you need to grasp as much as you can in the time you’re working with them. Leave a big impact on the world with your smart work. So the developers come in the place, make sure they work hard, implement smart technologies to scale up your productivity.

Before boarding any developer, why not test them with a real-life technology problem that your company encountered.

Never think of giving them a code challenge that you find somewhere on the internet. By asking them to resolve the real-life problem from your company’s history, you are showing them what kind of project they would be working on and getting a better idea of whether they are a better fit for your project.

4. Set a Right Budget

Compare the cost of outsourcing software developers and set the appropriate budget. You will be surprised to know that similar companies from the same region will give you different quotations. You should find a company that has the skills to do a great job bringing your project to life, without tossing your budget limits. Keep your final budget in mind before making any final decision regarding outsourcing.

What if you are a Bootstrapper?

If you are a novice, never hesitate to ask for a discount. But never compromise quality over price. I can help you with cost-effective high-quality software development solutions that can add a perfect competitive edge to your business without putting a burning hole in your pocket. If you have a limited budget, drop a line and let the company reach you within a day.

5. Never Underestimate the Communication Skills

While looking for a software developer, communication skills don’t matter and it is probably true to some extent. However, when it comes to hiring it for a startup, communication for engineers is equally important as like other employees.

According to the survey report of Bluesource, work models fail due to poor communication skills. Facts and stats revealed that

Every day, 205.6 billion emails are sent across the globe.

Only one-third are correctly opened.

They added, companies with highly engaged employees can improve operating income by 19.2% annually.

According to a PwC survey, 39% of sites compromise the sensitivity of the data which ultimately increasing the risk to Cyberattacks.

In the study report of Watson Wyatt, businesses with effective communication practices were more than 50% more likely to report employee turnover levels below the industry average.

6. Pick Right Parameters to Choose Right Partner

Spend a little more time while choosing a software partner for your company to save yourself from future challenges. Choosing the right experts from the ocean of expertise is quite troublesome. So, do research and shortlist the app development companies by simply considering these parameters including

  • Domain expertise
  • Work Portfolio
  • Years of experience
  • Client’s feedback
  • Google Reviews
  • Working Platforms

7. Give a Whirl to Outsourcing Transparency

A key to successful outsourcing is the clear communication between a customer and a provider. Both parties need to convince on priorities and information needs of the company. By choosing a software development company with a clear and transparent approach, you will find a like-minded partner that will be fully committed to delivering quality applications.

Transparent service providers may offer opportunities to customers to get involved in the strategic levels to drive higher value.

8. Choose to Hire Specialized Developers

For many enterprises, the only deciding factor often comes down to the opportunity to work with the open-source developers.

Tim Clem says “there are a lot of advantages to being an open-source company”, so look for the open-source collaboration platform. By leveraging the best open-source teams, you can develop applications that best fit your needs. It’s always best to collaborate with the potential employees that can commit to filter the best application solutions for your business.

Final words

The crux of this blog is, with shrinking global boundaries, outsourcing software development company is a lucrative and common practice among various countries, whether it be small or mid-sized companies. It remains a cost-efficient and most convenient way out to develop your application. But, you have to be proactive, smart, technically skilled and updated about who you are going to outsource for your company. To ensure that you are going to get it done right, it is advised to consider these tips mentioned above.



Sophia Martin

Sr. Business Analyst & Tech Writer— | Write on Trending Technologies | Sr. IT Consultant. 14+ Years of Exp. | LinkedIn: