Top 10 LinkedIn Learning Data Science Certificates

#9: Pitching your ideas strategically.

Frederik Bussler


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash


Since DJ Patil and Jeff Hammerbacher coined the term “data scientist” in 2008, the field has exploded in popularity. Data scientists power our daily applications, including Netflix’s personalization system, Amazon’s recommendation engine, Spotify’s AI-powered playlists, and more.

Every day, incredible advancements are being made. Tesla is nearing level 5 self-driving cars, while OpenAI’s GPT-3 model can write articles that fool humans. From the FAANGs to SMEs, companies want in on “the new oil,” resulting in attractive job prospects for data scientists. Even amidst economic turmoil, many companies are hiring data scientists.

That being said, data science isn’t easy. It’s a multidisciplinary field, requiring skills in computer science, statistics, and business at the high-level. Companies ask for a wide range of skills, including Excel, Python or R, SPSS, R, statistical modeling, machine learning, Jupyter Notebooks, and more.

By author.

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