U.S. Elections Part 1: What Does AI Reveal About President Trump

Applied linguistic analytics and personality theory to infer attributes of President Trump using Artificial Intelligence.

Filippos Dounis
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2020


With the U.S. Elections being less than a day away, potential voters are scrambling across social media and news outlets in order to absorb as much information as possible on the two candidates and make an educated decision in the polls. Although I am in no position to make a political analysis superior than that of the countless experts, I have found a problem and I am here with a possible solution.

Most news outlets and public figures comment on one of two things: the candidates’ proposed policies or their personalities. Nevertheless, it has become apparent that none of the commentaries focusing on the candidates’ characters are valid. This is not because they are not capable of doing so, but simply because it is impossible. By definition, being human and knowing the person you are going to evaluate, there is a lot of pre-existing bias involved…



Filippos Dounis

COO at Dounis Family Office || Royal Family Office Consultant | CMU-Q Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University || Top Writer in Finance and Business