Photo by — @dissii

What is Kaggle?

An Online Community of Data Scientists and Machine Learners

Alex Moltzau
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2019


This short article will give you a quick understanding of what Kaggle is. It is an announcement too that I am joining the platform as I had not until now.

What is Kaggle?

Kaggle allows users to:

  1. Find and publish data sets
  2. Explore and build models in a web-based data-science environment
  3. Work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers
  4. Enter competitions to solve data science challenges.”

“Inside Kaggle you’ll find all the code & data you need to do your data science work. Use over 19,000 public datasets and 200,000 public notebooks to conquer any analysis in no time.”

What is it Actually Like?

Kaggle offers a variety of activities once you enter.

The micro-courses are interesting:

It is an environment to learn, but also compete.

Apparently they have a community of around 3 million people on the platform.

You can go to Kaggle rankings:

Noticed how I said ‘they’?

It is because I am not a Kaggler.

However that is changing today.

It is possible to take courses straight away once you enter the platform.

These are structured neatly!

It provides an easy overview and you can track your progress:

You can even learn about explainability!

You can actually earn progress and medals by creating high quality datasets.

The top five currently is a real mix:

So hope this makes you more interested in joining Kaggle too.

If you have experience I would very much like your guidance.

This is #500daysofAI and you are reading article 187. I write one new article about or related to artificial intelligence every day for 500 days.



Alex Moltzau

Policy Officer at the European AI Office in the European Commission. This is a personal Blog and not the views of the European Commission.