What is the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2020
  • More than half of SME CEOs plan on replacing workers with automated systems.
  • 54% of employees must upskill by 2022.
  • 37% of workers are worried about losing their jobs due to automation.
  • More than 70% of people are willing to augment their brains and bodies in order to improve their employment prospects.
  • By 2022, the total task hours completed by humans will drop by 13%.
  • Generation Z is at the highest risk of being displaced due to automation.

Paradigms are always driven by unsustainable forces

Not that far ago in 1900 in the city of London, there were 50,000 horses. That time The Times predicted, “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure.” I was quite surprised that no one expected driverless/autonomous horses back then.

Good news — you can put your wellies down. As you know by 1912, this seemingly insurmountable problem had been resolved and no artificial horse intelligence had been developed. (I can be wrong, so please share your stories in comments)

The industries based on the old order were slowly shutting down. The Industrial Revolution left millions unemployed, their jobs become obsolete and taken over by soulless cars. However, in parallel, the new jobs have been crafted so the horse keeper became an automobile steering operator or uber driver a few years later.

In 2020 the key is to recognize the phase you are in. I do enjoy surfing as much as technology. My surfing Yoda told me once: ‘You can not control the wave, but a good surfer knows how to choose the right one.’ — ‘The greatest teacher, failure is.’ — the real Yoda would say.

I like the comparison the surfing and waves. In the beginning, you have to be patient and learn how to recognize the right one. Sometimes it is difficult to find the perspective to see the next big wave. So it is easy to end up like a boiling frog and miss the opportunity.

However, the robot ‘wave’ is rolling through the blue ocean. The main reason why it is hard to see with the naked eye is the fact that Robots are hidden in data centres for heating and efficiency purpose.

The robot army can be taught to serve your commands. The bottleneck is just figuring out intelligent and interesting things to do to them, but nothing to worry about it is our secret sauce — (find out more about -Business Wheel Pack).

There are a few industries which can utilize the cutting edge technological advantage. Leaving the competitors far behind.


World insurance premiums rose to over £5 trillion in recent years. Yet it has been bearly touched by the recent technology disruption.

The obvious path in cost-constrained times is to look for operational excellence. However, it is very easy to get into the trap of cost optimization and sweep innovation under the rug. There are a few areas such as better risk control management, reporting, data entry etc -Robotics Process automation is the very first step to take the burden of mundane tasks out of you employees shoulders to free their time to not only grow your business but also to deliver more value-added tasks.

The very next obvious step is to implement ‘human intelligence’ in the process. According to EY: Estimated premiums were underwritten by AI 2024: $20.0 billion whereas 2019: $1.3 billion. The great example is an AI insurance startup Lemonade who set a New World Record in the payment of insurance claim — 3 seconds, compared to averaged market time 30 days (43,200secons) sounds really impressive, huh?

Without a doubt, new technologies can create a large wave of short-term unemployment. Researchers confirmed some jobs disappear forever. In my humble opinion, most of the jobs of the future hasn’t been discovered yet and the employees of the future need to continuously improve skills to be able to work side by side with Software Robots. Leveraging the potential of having the very own small army of Robots.

More time, less boring tasks, and previously unimaginable access to data and tools are just some of the ways our lives are likely to improve through the sheer power of technology.

Robots can make us more human.

Today, BotPack serves as a disruptive platform for unprecedented innovation. I would like to leave you with the below questions:

What would you do to move your company to the next level if you get one additional FTE? What about fifty employees working 3 shifts 24/7/365? Let’s think bold together.

Contact us to deploy your first Robot in 4 weeks. Book free 30 min chat to elaborate your path to Scale up to 30 Robo-army. Let’s move your company to the next operational level in 2020.




We automate because we know how to do it efficiently. Our client success is our success. We believe in creating profit for our clients not in billable hours.