Why should the company open out the idea to work from home like several MNCs out there?

Jie Liang Chua
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 people’s lives have drastically changed. The way that we used to work has been impacted much. People are no longer safe from being close to one another. This has resulted in practically all activities experiencing some change. The new way of functioning has allowed companies to look at the benefits of letting employers work at home. Many MNCs are now telling their staff what to do via the internet. The world is experiencing a flexible workplace revolution. Many people are working remotely. Companies must also focus on this aspect due to the following benefits that it has.

Limited time wasted on traveling

Some people spent a lot of time going to work. This can be used productively for other purposes. Some people need hours to reach work and go back home. With the advent of working from home, time will be limited that was being spent commuting. The business will get benefits from this as well.

Employees often feel stressed out having to travel much. The health of staff leads to better productivity and there will be fewer people being absent from work if they have to work from home. If the person has the benefit to work actively from the comfort of their house, they will reach their desk fresh and ready to pursue the tasks ahead.

Traveling expenses that some businesses need to pay themselves will be less as well. If the employee needs to pay for this by themselves then they can save cash and spend it on some activity they like. They will be more happy and ready to work due to having time to relax. This is why top MNCs are favoring the idea to let staff be productive from home.

Allow good employees to remain for longer

It has been claimed that a huge burden for some companies is losing excellent staff. Small organizations are not able to compete with bigger ones considering salary and other advantages.

Homeworking will let parents have flexibility. Other people can take advantage of a better work-life balance. This will let employees want to prefer staying at a particular company.

Rather than having to pay for the electricity, food, building maintenance, guards, computers, etc. of the office, the small company can invest the money and make itself succeed further if they let people do all the work from home.

Have a bigger range of choices for applicants

A company can hire people across the globe if they make it possible for them to work remotely. This results in them having the potential to select the best people to fulfill their tasks effectively. People across the world have different skills that can turn out to help business much. Employees and employers do not need to consider the fact that the person is located close to the office. This results in them being able to select amazing candidates.

The millennial effect comes into play here. Individuals are used to being able to contact one another across the world easily. They want this to be present at work as well. Younger people prefer this. Workplace flexibility is something that some people look at before accepting a job.

Those areas that have less skilled people will benefit much from work-at-home benefits. It, therefore, is better for all those involved.

Freedom for staff

The ability for people to be able to work away from an office lets them have more freedom. They can work in a way that is easy for them. One will be able to choose when to work and how to do this. Inside an office, everyone has to work in one way.

No doubt MNCs and companies will have to place some rules, but inside these, the team can choose the way they want to work which is the best environment for them to be successful. They will be more productive then and do more work.

Less expense for the office

The office area is costly. Some businesses have this as their most expensive cost which can be avoided easily. One does not have to finish the office, but by letting people work remotely some days and others in the office, office space can be limited resulting in you having lesser expenses than before. The money can then be put into developing other areas of business.

Use technology efficiently

Technology is what has been able to let people work easily from their homes, and businesses to continue functioning during the current pandemic. It has allowed one to be mobile, using different applications and software to fulfill everyday office work. Some of these tools let one feel like they are in an office.

The use of video conferences for instance helps one have effective meetings. Companies need to keep in mind how they can use technology to make work more effective. All staff members must have access to the internet and these resources to be able to carry out all work that is required.

More work

All companies want to get the most work out of all their employees. A business has to trust staff members to allow them to work from home. The ones that have this thinking can get much work from people. This is because they will have more time to carry out tasks, will not be tired from traveling, etc.

It is necessary to know that a company should not completely change all work and not have any office work. To succeed and be productive, the company should let employers work some days from home and some from the office physically. All resources have to be provided to everyone so that coordination can occur and everything can be successful. Working from home will also result in people not catching contagious diseases like coronavirus. It will take time for companies to fully embrace this new way of working, however Covid-19 has forced this process to be faster. Countries can take the example of successful MNCs and see if this way of working will help them out.

Originally published at https://audiovisualaoce.com on July 10, 2020.

