You Can Now Get an Undergraduate Degree in AI

You can now get a Bachelor’s in AI from the Barcelona School of Informatics.

Frederik Bussler


Photo by Pedro da Silva on Unsplash

While an AI degree isn’t needed to build and deploy AI models — given no-code AI tools like Obviously.AI — it can be a valuable way to land technical roles in the industry.

However, artificial intelligence degrees used to be limited to graduate programs — typically Master’s and Doctorate’s. Students would often choose the most relevant undergraduate degrees, most often in a STEM field like computer science, statistics, engineering, or mathematics.

Because of the inability to specialize in AI in most undergraduate programs, artificial intelligence graduate degrees used to be notoriously difficult. You’re often starting with minimal experience in AI. Moreover, graduate degrees are extremely expensive, both in cost and time.

The average new PhD is 33 years old and spends over eight years in their PhD program. The opportunity cost is immense — you’re largely giving up your 20s in pursuit of a degree.

The Alternative

What if there was an alternative? Well, now there is, as the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya just launched a Bachelor’s degree in artificial…

