Zer0 Days: How Stuxnet Disrupted the Iran Nuclear Program and Transformed Computer Security

Bishr Tabbaa
Published in
12 min readJul 16, 2020

The tenth anniversary of the Stuxnet worm of 2010 is an opportunity to reflect upon computer system failures, human error, process flaws, organizational gaps, and the best principles and practices for solution delivery in the IT industry. In this blog and my forthcoming book, Bugs: A Short History of Computer System Failure, I will chronicle some important system failures in the past and discuss ideas for improving the future of system quality. As information technology becomes increasingly woven into society, the quality of computer hardware and software impacts our commerce, health, infrastructure, military, politics, science, security and transportation. The Big Idea is that we have no choice but to get better at delivering technology solutions because our lives depend on it.

On July 16, 2010, Microsoft, MITRE, and others published security advisories about the Stuxnet malware which targeted Microsoft Windows machines running Siemens SIMATIC Step7 software for managing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) that automated, monitored, and operated physical assets including amusement parks, building alarms, chemical plants, energy pipelines, factory assembly lines, and nuclear power plants. Stuxnet infected more than 200,000 computers across the world including 14 industrial sites in Iran, damaged over 1,000 centrifuges in the Natanz facility that were essential to Iran’s covert uranium enrichment program intended for developing nuclear weapons, and constituted an innovative inflection point in computer security that showed how serious the cyber threat was to physical infrastructure connected to the digital world. Stuxnet exploited several 0-day security vulnerabilities in Windows and Siemens software to propagate and control Windows hosts and the PLCs that were its ultimate target; technical analysis by several security experts including Symantec, Kaspersky Lab, Ralph Langner, and others suggested that the virus author was a nation state since only they would have the motive, opportunity, and means to execute such a sophisticated attack. This essay will explore the historical context of Stuxnet, the virus technology, as well as its implications for our modern society.

Satellite of Natanz facility in Iran (Source: Wired.com)

An abbreviated historical timeline of the relationship between Iran, US, and Israel as well as the Stuxnet virus follows:

  • 1950s — US launches nuclear power program known as Atoms for Peace (AFP) under Dwight Eisenhower.
  • 1953 — US CIA overthrows Iran’s President Mohammed Mossadegh and brings Shah Reza Pahlavi to power.
  • 1957 — Iran signs agreement with US under AFP program.
  • 1967 — Iran receives a 5 MW nuclear reactor from the US through AFP program.
  • 1968 — Iran signs Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
  • 1975 — Iran signs contract with Kraftwerk Union AG (joint venture co-sponsored by Siemens) to expand its nuclear power capacity.
  • 1979 — Islamic revolution overthrows Shah of Iran, and Ayatollah Khomeini replaces Shah as leader.
  • 1995 — Iran signs agreement with Russia to complete power plant in Bushehr.
  • 2002 — Dissident group reveals existence of uranium enrichment facility in Natanz.
  • 2006 — US and Israel launch Operation Olympic Games to disrupt Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
  • June 2008 — Siemens cooperates with the US Idaho National Laboratory and Department of Energy to research computer security vulnerabilities in its PLC systems used to operate nuclear energy facilities. Siemens shares its source code with US authorities.
  • 2008–2009 — Stuxnet is under development.
  • December 2008 — Stuxnet domain (mypremierfutbol.com) is registered.
  • June 22 2009 — Stuxnet v1 is deployed with moderate infections.
  • March 2010 — Stuxnet v2 is deployed with USB 0-day exploit and spreads faster.
  • June 17, 2010 — VirusBlokAda in Belarus discovers Stuxnet when it is contacted by an Iranian customer about Windows machines that were unintentionally and continuously being rebooted.
  • June 24, 2010 — VirusBlokAda notified Realtek Semiconductor about theft of its digital certificate.
  • Early July 2010 — VirusBlokAda contacted Microsoft about Stuxnet.
  • July 13, 2020 — Symantec analyzes Stuxnet after its customers report issues.
  • July 15, 2010 — US CERT announces public advisory about Stuxnet.
  • July 16, 2010 — Microsoft, MITRE, and Internet Storm Center also announce public advisories about Stuxnet. Verisign revoked Realtek certificate.
  • July 17, 2020 — Siemens publishes an advisory message about Stuxnet. Stuxnet v3 is published with a new certificate stolen from JMicro.
  • July 22, 2020 — Verisign revoked JMicro certificate.
  • Nov 23, 2010 — Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Director Ali Salehi confirms that a computer virus attacked nuclear facilities in Iran.
  • February 2011 — Microsoft publishes patches fixing all vulnerabilities exploited by Stuxnet.
  • July 24, 2012 — Self-termination date for Stuxnet

How to Hack a Centrifuge

Stuxnet Process Overview (Source: IEEE)

The Stuxnet virus had two primary technology components: one was the computer worm that distributed the malware on Microsoft Windows networks and another was the digital payload that penetrated Windows hosts, and then operated the Siemens PLCs. The worm component used several 0-day exploits to propagate the virus:

  • USB — the virus copied itself as specially crafted .LNK files from connected USB devices onto the local computer. The .LNK files exploited a vulnerability for Microsoft Windows LNK File Execution Shortcuts (CVE-2010–2568) that automatically executed the virus when Windows Explorer or other visual Windows tools browsed the USB device contents on the machine. Note that disabling AutoRun and AutoPlay for USB devices would still leave systems vulnerable to this attack. Experts believe it was an infected USB stick either given to an Iranian facility operator through social engineering or used by a double agent working inside the facility that originally defeated the “air gap” network defense since many of the industrial sites running Siemens software including Iran’s nuclear program were not directly connected to the Internet.
  • Local Network — the virus could execute and exploit specific requests that would trigger remote code execution upon the localhost by calling the Microsoft Windows Print Spooler Server (CVE-2010–2779) or Microsoft Windows RPC Server (CVE-2008–4250). It could also copy itself to network folders shared on the local computer using local users found on the local computer, Windows domain, or through WMI Explorer impersonation.
  • Siemens — the virus searched for Siemens SIMATIC Step7 projects (.s7p files) on the infected system, if found, then it would copy itself to the folders and modify the main index files. These project folders were often manually copied between Windows machines connected to the same Siemens PLCs operating at a specific facility.
Stuxnet State Machine (Source: Symantec)

Once Stuxnet was inside a machine, it escalated its privilege from a local Administrator to SYSTEM using a 0-day exploit in the Windows Task Scheduler (CVE-2010–3888) or another in the Windows Win32 Keyboard Layout (CVE-2010–2743) and then installed a Windows rootkit as hardware driver-level modules (mrxnet.sys, mrxcls.sys) hidden behind a stolen digital certificate (initially from Realtek, then later JMicro) to pose as legitimate software and evade detection by traditional anti-virus software based on electronic signatures. After driver installation, the virus sets Windows registry entries (HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MRXCLS and MRXNET) so that the two drivers are started as system services. Stuxnet then starts its own Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server and listens for incoming connections from other infected machine peers on the same local network. The RPC server has a fixed GUID that allows Stuxnet peers to identify, communicate with, and update one another allowing it to propagate updates even if they cannot reach the external command-and-control server due to a firewall or lack of Internet connectivity. One remarkable aspect of the rootkit is that when it needs to load a DLL including itself it uses a special mechanism designed to bypass typical behavior blocking and intrusion-detection technologies that actively monitor Windows LoadLibrary method calls. Stuxnet calls LoadLibrary with specific file names that do not exist on disk and are instead mapped to areas of memory where the DLL code has already been decrypted and stored by the rootkit previously. Stuxnet achieves this by hooking into the Windows kernel’s NTDLL.DLL, intercepting commands, and injecting code into already running trusted OS processes such as lsass.exe, svchosts.exe, and services.exe as well as security programs such as avp.exe (Kaspersky), mcshield.exe (McAfee), rtvscan.exe (Symantec), and others.

Once Stuxnet is installed as a service on the computer, it searches on the local computer for the Siemens SIMATIC Step7 software by looking in the Windows system folder for the file S7OTBXDX.DLL. Once found, it renames the file to S7OTBXSX.DLL and then replaces it with a modified version that has the same DLL exports as the original but with code modifications for more than a dozen critical functions related to access, read, write, and deletion of code blocks on the PLC. Stuxnet will execute additional instructions before calling the true functions contained in the original S7OTBXSX.DLL and by modifying data sent to or received from the PLC can also act as a Man-in-the-Middle attack. Note that if Siemens Step7 is not found, the Stuxnet does not perform further malicious actions on the computer host.

Stuxnet tries to contact a remote web server to test Internet connectivity using the following non-malicious URLs (windowsupdate.com or msn.com). If that works, then it connects to the following URLs to send and receive commands from a remote user (mypremierfutbol.com, todaysfutbol.com). It then generates the following URL and posts a message to the server: http://www.mypremierfutbol.com/index.php?data={data} where data is a XOR-encrypted hexadecimal value that contains the IP address, computer name, domain, OS version, and whether WinCC Step7 is installed or not. The server may reply to the infected machine by sending arbitrary code to be executed (likely updated version of the malware payload or some data exfiltration commands).

Finally, once all installation and setup operations are done, if the Siemens software was installed on the local machine, then Stuxnet accesses the available PLCs connected to the Windows machine using S7OTBXDX.DLL and the WinCC default MSSQL database credentials (userid=WinCCConnect and password=2WSXcder,0-day exploit CVE-2010–2772) and verifies what type of CPU they have. If the CPU is of type 6ES7–315–2 or 6ES7–417, then the malware checks what type of field devices are connected to them by reading the PLC’s system data blocks (SDB). Finally, it checks if the devices found are Vacon or Fararo Paya frequency driver converters and whether they are operating in the range of 807–1210 Hz. If all of these specific conditions are met, then Stuxnet records the frequency configuration data in the PLC, and it begins intercepting commands, altering their operation. Roughly every 30 days, Stuxnet then changes the output frequency of the converters for short periods of 15–50 minutes to either 1410 Hz or 2Hz respectively, then back to 1064 Hz (a normal frequency). Periodic modification of the output frequency sabotages the automation system, introducing mechanical stress to the centrifuges thereby increasing the likelihood for failure and reducing the quality of the processed uranium. Furthermore, Stuxnet replayed old, normal values to the visual SCADA components of the Simatic system so that operators would not suspect a problem much like criminals play an old videotape back to the guards during a typical bank heist movie plot.

Stuxnet DLL Manifest (Source: Symantec)
Stuxnet Files (Source: Symantec)

The World is Not Enough

The Stuxnet code sophistication (multiple 0-day vulnerabilities, code obfuscation, code injection, modular design, remote command-and-control as well as peer-to-peer updating, all-in-1-payload), its fraudulent digital certificates, and the dogged patience of the cyberattack (taking place over months instead of minutes) all suggested that the Stuxnet author was a nation-state with comprehensive knowledge of cybersecurity and nuclear power plants. Several other coincidental facts also pointed to government actors or perhaps someone interested in framing one government for the actions of another. First, according to Symantec’s analysis of the first 38,000 infected IP addresses, 22,000 were located in Iran, 6,700 in Indonesia, 3,700 in India, and just 400 in the US. Of those machines, 217 in Iran were reported as hosts of Siemens Step7 and 16 in the US which were the highest counts across the world. Cybercriminals generally target major governments and commercial entities where the data, damage, and money involved were worthy of the costs and risks incurred so it would be surprising that the everyday criminal or script kiddie would target off-the-grid industrial sites in Iran. Second, when Stuxnet infected a system, it set a registry key value HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ MICROSOFT \ WINDOWS \ CurrentVersion \ MS-DOS Emulation\NTVDM TRACE to “19790509”. May 9, 1979 was the date the Iranian government executed Habib Elghanian by firing squad; Elghanian was Iranian of Jewish descent, and his death triggered the exodus of many Jews from Iran. The registry key value served as an inoculation marker on a machine that it had already been infected, and the virus would terminate its installation on that machine if it found the value in the registry. Third, buried in the main worm dropper was a compiled file reference to b:\myrtus\src\objfre_w2k_x86\:386\guava.pdb. Although myrtus is a biological genus that contains the guava fruit, it also obliquely points to Queen Esther who saved the Jews from the Persians in the 4th century BC; Esther’s Hebrew name was Hadassah which refers to the myrtle plant. The consensus estimate from experts at Symantec, Kaspersky Lab, and Langner was that Stuxnet was expensive to build. The virus software likely took 5–10 people six months to write using mostly C and C++ along with some SQL; setting up the laboratory for integrating the computers and the nuclear centrifuges to simulate and test would have taken additional time, money, and resources that most organizations do not possess. Finally, the attackers leveraged this digital weapon along with classical intelligence (e.g. on-site operatives or social engineering to influence said personnel) in a manner that again goes beyond what most cybercriminal organizations are capable of.

Stuxnet redefined what computer malware could do in terms of methods used and damage inflicted. It opened the digital door to further cyber warfare attacks on physical infrastructure. According to sources such as the Institute for Science and International Security and International Atomic Energy Agency, Stuxnet damaged about 1000 IR-1 centrifuges in the uranium fuel enrichment facility in Natanz, and it set back the Iranian nuclear program by one year. Malware authors also learn from each other. Since Stuxnet, there have been several descendants inspired by its engineering. Duqu in 2011 logged keystrokes and mined data from industrial facilities. Flame in 2012 also traveled via USB sticks and was a comprehensive spyware that logged keystrokes and recorded Skype conversations. Industroyer attacked power facilities and is credited with causing a power outage in the Ukraine in 2016.

Security Lessons

  • PLCs connected to computer networks open digital doors to physical infrastructure.
  • The Insider threat is real.
  • Air gap defenses may not be enough.
  • Removable storage media is a serious threat.
  • Hard-coded default passwords are unacceptable.
  • Digital certificates can be compromised and they are only as good as their verification process.


  • Assess industrial systems that use PLCs for security vulnerabilities and investigate use of custom, site-specific passwords for PLC databases.
  • Protect against Insider user threat (e.g. monitor employees and contractors in real-time using access and system logs, evaluate personnel through background checks).
  • Deny any Internet connectivity in the Industrial Process Control network and limit PLC membership in TCP/IP networks through Network ACLs.
  • Organizations need defense-in-depth and should use zone-based networks as described in the ANSI 99.02.01 and IEC-62443 standards. Between zones, there should be network firewalls that block the protocols that Stuxnet and viruses like it communicate with (e.g. HTTP, RPC, MSSQL). This would quarantine an infection to a small number of machines in a single zone.
  • Block external storage devices (e.g. USB drives, contractor laptops, etc) to mind and enforce the “air gap”.
  • Monitor systems and networks for suspicious behavior.
  • Disable unused and unnecessary services like networking printing on SCADA systems. Only run what you need.
  • Provision golden disk images of control workstations as virtual machines and save them in a secure storage environment for quick service recovery.
  • Establish a whitelist of permitted executable processes on your hosts using AppLocker or applying a Software Restriction Policy through the Windows Domain Group Policy editor.
  • Consider using honeypots consisting of dummy systems with fake HMI stations and PLCs to detect suspicious activity.
  • Consider running heterogeneous operating systems such as Linux or QNX to control PLCs.




Bishr Tabbaa

Architect @awscloud • Board Member • Fractional CTO • Built B2B DNA supply chain stack @GxGene • History of System Failure • AIML Data Science • @RiceAlumni