5 Ways To Create Datasheets To Drive Your Sales On The B2B Market

DatasheetEST by TDSmaker
6 min readMay 8, 2018

B2B marketing has, like more traditional B2C marketing, undergone somewhat of a revolution since the early 2000s. This is directly linked to the changes in technology we’re now seeing on a near daily basis and their applications in business and across most industries.

Marketers from both sides of the divide know that mass marketing approaches are no longer an appropriate means of communicating with current or prospective customers. Instead, customers, even in business and industry transactions, are looking for personalized, engaging and relevant marketing communication. For effective business communication, documents should also be accurate and up to date, easy on the eye and accessible whether you’re tied to your desk, in a one on one meeting, or sweating through a presentation.

TDSmaker is on hand to advise and discuss ways to put your product front and centre for current and prospective clients when exploring your B2B options. Let’s get going!

1. Data

Data collection is a tedious but necessary evil in marketing. It’s vital you know who’s using your product, when they use it and how often. Surveys are the traditional fallback of the traditional marketer and, while you can’t deny their usefulness, with the sheer amount of technology on offer (not to mention work to do) the standard office worker isn’t going to take the time to fill out the survey after survey. In fact, unless they have been a long time, heavily entrenched customer this type of behaviour may deter some new clients — too much hassle and interference which other companies aren’t imposing.

Through the use of websites such as HubSpot, MailChimp and Marketo it’s now easier than ever to collect and collate information about who, when, where and what customers to your website are looking for and how they got there — are they click-throughs? Or did they seek you out?

Making use of the data you can collect will allow you to create a more streamlined, personalized and targeted marketing strategy for your product or company and provide a platform you can truly capitalize on in the ensuing marketing process.

TDSmaker allows you to collect and collate information in easy to use, easy to read datasheets that allow you to highlight your competencies in a way that is relevant and accessible for your targeted B2B communication. Templates can be customized for product specialization sheets, technical sheets and datasheets.

Get free templates for product sheets, datasheets and specification sheets

2. Customization

There are countless studies showing the more focused a marketing strategy is, the more likely it is to connect to the right consumer, thereby building ties and eliciting a positive emotional response. Even in business the head and the heart are connected. Think about the moment you go to your boss with the product or element that just slots perfectly into a project everyone’s been sweating on for months, the adulation, the excitement, the sweet relief (the possible promotion?). The more tailored your marketing communication, the more likely you are to make a connection that will have a long and beneficial relationship with the marketing department and the business as a whole.

As it is in life, so it is in marketing: A constant is often better than constant change. That is, the tenants of marketing holds true across sectors: customer retention is more profitable than attracting new customers.

The more you know about your customers first through data collection and then, through personalized marketing communication, the better your product or company is likely to perform.

TDSmaker understands the need to stand out and get noticed and, how to tailor your product information to the right customers. Have a look at our data and product sheet templates or let your creativity shine through and create your own template.

3. Content Marketing

It’s no good having a product that’s well suited, well displayed and is on its way to being used if no one understands how to use or apply it.

Content marketing is something we all see all over the internet. Companies have started utilizing the power of blogs to attract customers they might not normally interact with, in order to capture a greater market share. Simple right?

Content marketing is only an effective approach to B2B marketing if it’s done well. If you can position yourself as an industry leader, customers will keep coming back for advice, information and may even watch your space for key industry trends — a blog like this has the potential to make your brand recognized as a forerunner of industry, synonymous with success and will create a platform for a greater diversity of B2B communication.

Download Free Ebook — How To Grow B2B Sales Without Increasing Marketing Budget

Blogs can also be an excellent way of troubleshooting problems or showing off the extra features of your product clients are initially ignorant about. This is particularly true in the realms of technology, with various software applications being transferable in daily business and personal use.

TDSmaker’s blog showcases our templates and their applications and discusses trends in the industry, while our video section has troubleshooting videos to make your life easier. Check them out here!

4. Social Media

Everyone uses it. How do you make sure your message comes across clearly and engages with your target audience?

It’s a scary thought: giving up total control of your message. Customers have been growing in autonomy and, therefore importance, over the years. Social media is an excellent platform to engage with your current and prospective clients but a bombardment of advertising is more likely to hinder than help your overall goals.

Social media, because of its dynamic and myriad uses and users are essential tools for marketers, even in a B2B setting. Sharing relevant industry articles, asking questions and having prompt and effective customer service will drive brand awareness and build bridges to product opportunities and uses for prospective customers.


Encourage your audience to engage with your offering in new and different ways — a holiday-themed competition anyone? It could be New Years or Valentines Day, be relevant and topical. Being able to present a different side of your organization may encourage greater emotional connections in your B2B partners and contacts. Who wouldn’t love to see some puppies playing in the snow on a grim day tied to the desk? Diversifying your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram stream will appeal to a greater variety of users — just be careful you don’t dilute your brand or your message.

It’s a fine line to tread that’s for sure. TDSmaker makes attractive data and product sheets that can be shared across social media or as a PDF — what suits you best?

TDSmaker can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube — what’s your digital footprint?

5. Deliver

At the heart of every marketing strategy is the underlying product. There’s no point putting in your time and effort in research, targeting, communicating and sharing if your product doesn’t deliver what it’s promising. In fact, in our ever more connected world, this is just the type of thing to bring a company down.

Products go through many stages of development and testing before being presented as a market offering, make sure your company’s engineers and designers are up to the task before testing the waters.

TDSmaker’s beauty is in its simplicity. With an application that’s easy to use and even simpler to customize you’ll be able to show off your product and its relevant statistics at the drop of a hat. We offer templates, a handy how-to guide, informative blogs and video tutorials and excellent customer service including tailor-made business programs. Take us for a test run with our free templates, found here.

This piece was written by Pam Taticek and originally published at blog.tdsmaker.com.

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DatasheetEST by TDSmaker

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