How to Create an Effective Product Sheet Design

Duygu Aksoy
DatasheetEST by TDSmaker
4 min readApr 21, 2018

Is your sales staff prepared to make the best presentation they can? According to 82% of B2B decision-makers, the salesperson presenting to them is unprepared. Since the sales process for B2B and B2C takes longer than it used to, your sales staff may not have enough information to keep them prepared. An effective product sheet design can help your sales staff have all the right information at their fingertips.

“You Can Request Free Consultation For Meeting To Review Your Data sheets’ Design!

The right product sheet can help your sales staff quickly access updated information, help boost sales, and answer vital questions for your prospects. With the right design, you can create a product sheet that does all this and more.

What layout works best for your product sheet design?

First, consider your layout. Most product sheets are one or two pages, depending on the complexity of the product. More complex or technical products may need additional pages, but it’s important to remember that product sheets should be short; when in doubt, make it shorter, not longer.

Your layout needs to include well-chosen graphics, clear and easy-to-scan copy, and plenty of whitespace. White space doesn’t have to be white, just blank space where there’s no text or graphics. Product data sheets with extra whitespace look less cluttered and are easier to scan.

This data sheet was created via TDSmaker.

Scannable copy will include bullet points, headings, and easy-to-read font choices. Whenever you can, try to display data in a graphic or table, as it draws attention and is faster for your sales staff or prospect to find the information they need.

Does your product sheet need graphics?

As a minimum, your product sheet will need your company’s logo. Ideally, your product sheet will include a picture of the product. For software products, a screenshot might be a good way to get a picture.

This data sheet was created via TDSmaker and click to get free template of this data sheet.

For B2B product sheets, a clear image of the product and its features is the most important picture to have. For B2C product sheets, you may want to use a picture of the product being used or staged. In either case, it’s important to select high-resolution images and photographs, as printed product sheets require a higher resolution than product sheets presented on a monitor or screen.

How does color influence your customers?

Color is frequently overlooked, but it has a tremendous impact on your customers. Blues are often the safest color choice, as blue is almost universally a positive color. For products you want to highlight as eco-friendly, green provides a strong association with nature. Red is a power color, and it spurs action, but too much red can be jarring to look at. Use reds and bright orange shades to highlight the most important elements of your product sheet, as the eye is drawn to these shades. Yellow is associated with happiness, making it a good option for B2C product sheets but less favorable for B2B sales.

This data sheet templates are available on TDSmaker Template Library. Click to use them as free!

Once you have the predominant color, you can use a free online tool like Paletton to find coordinating colors to use in your product sheet design. Monochromatic color schemes convey a sense of stability, but they can be boring. Adjacent color schemes are a bit more interesting than monochromatic ones, but carry the same connotations. A triad color scheme can be more visually interesting but still pleasing, but a tetrad will generally have a bit too much color for a product sheet design.


The most important element of a product sheet design is its consistency with your brand and with similar products in the series. Customers and sales professionals will use product sheets as a way to compare and contrast similar products, so a consistent look helps them more comfortably and efficiently find the data they need. With tools like TDSMaker, you can create product sheet designs and save them as templates for future use, ensuring that every product sheet in the series has a consistent appearance.

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