How To Design Professional Product Data Sheet Template

DatasheetEST by TDSmaker
4 min readJun 4, 2018

Professional design of product data sheets has strong impact on your product presentation.

You can create this dataseet with TDSmaker

How can you help your company present itself in a clear, educative and professional way? Most companies pivot to having an effective data sheet, which can succinctly yet effectively describe their product. Datasheet is the “face” of your company, which provides important details about your product. Sales datasheet work in nearly all environments. They convey your audience what the product or service is, and how it will help them. A datasheet /spec sheet must represent a product clearly. It is usually recommended to go through your data points and choose relevant information about your product. The success of your sales datasheet marketing strategy hinges on the strength of two major elements: — presentation and distribution.

Presentation of your data sheet is usually comprised of your sales datasheet focusing on below key elements:

  • Conveying your audience the need for specific product for and how does it benefits them.
  • Briefly explain advantages of using the product? and how it uniquely solves the problem for their prospects?
  • Since studies show that human brain absorbs information through images more effectively, including images/graphic elements in your datasheet would be a great idea to capture customer’s attention.
  • Use effective images. Choose a logo, which would differentiate you from others.
  • Focus on your main consumer.
  • Your customers’ need to feel that your product is absolutely necessary for them.
  • Emphasize the key distinctive features of your product.
  • If you are in a space, which requires product requires certification and you have been issued one, it is important to include it.
  • Last, but not least provide your company info.

Datasheets are crucial sales tool. Very often, marketers need to involve professional designers to help them out to create a template/datasheet for a certain product. However, if you have a budget constraint hiring a professional may not be financially viable. Instead, if you choose to train your employee(s) to create a datasheet from scratch — this could be a cumbersome process. Since this step would involve a good bit of requirements gathering, organizing and analyzing the data. The whole process may include coordination and approval from other departments, which might take days and even weeks to reach a consensus on the marketing data points. If your business has an international footprint, you would probably need translation in local languages of respective countries. This list goes on and on….

The most obvious choices to create a datasheet traditionally have been tools like Microsoft Word/Excel until now. To address some of the concerns above how about if we have a smart tool that makes it very easy for a beginner to create/design professional datasheets using innovative data presentation templates. Only such tool available today is TDSMaker. It allows to create datasheets using existing professionally designed templates. The tool provides you with an option to create/customize your own template, with an intuitive UI, which can be used to target your audience.

As product evolves, multiple data points on the spec sheet need to constantly updated for which can be challenging. TDSMaker not only allows you to design your own datasheets without a designer and technical writer but also manage them. Also, the cool thing about this is that you can share your datasheet in PDF format. You can also choose/create a template which suits the best interest of your business and meets the company’s marketing goals. The layouts are already designed in a way, which organizes the product information and makes it easy to understand for the consumer. A powerful datasheet template is able to educate its readers, increase the target audience and the most important increase your revenue.

Although, data sheets are pretty concise representation/specification of your product — they provide crucial insights about your product’s capabilities. Your ability to market/promote or in other words create the make or break, first impression about the product is absolutely critical. TDSMaker’s revolutionary way of creating intuitive, professionally designed templates is the most efficient way to create to data sheet in minutes!!

This piece was written by Anna Gaherwar and originally published at

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DatasheetEST by TDSmaker

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