What Is A Sales Sheet And Why Does One Need It?

DatasheetEST by TDSmaker
4 min readJun 6, 2018

Do you use sales sheets or do you know what it is for?

A sales sheet is one of the main documents used by sales department and it informs your prospective customers about your product features, functions, advantages and many more characteristic features. Its terminology may show differences as in product sheet, data sheet, specification sheet etc. Despite the fact that there are many terms which were used for the same or similar purpose, the main mission of the sales sheets is to give customers a clear understanding of the products.

The best way of explaining about anything is giving examples about it. iPhone may be one of the good example to describe sales sheet structure and why sales sheet is used for. Apple uses online sales sheet on the product page to make sure that the complex and technical features of iPhone are well presented for the potential customers and provide the response to the eventual questions on leads mind.

An example for sales sheet from iPhone

They include a table with all the features and description of complex features added like retina display etc. By using a table, they are basically able to communicate a lot of information quite easily, also one of the other main feature is that giving readers a clean look document. They should be understanding the purpose of the product.

Now, Let’s get a good understanding of it. Sales sheet should be kept simple. Of course the information must provided but the customer shouldn’t get bombarded with loads of information. Hence it is really important that the content should be simple and concise.

In order to make it simple and concise, it is really important to decide on what information should be included and what information should be excluded from the sales sheet. It is really important to show off the important features of the product which are unique to the product/ which makes the product superior to the products of other competitors. Hence by deciding on what to include and exclude in a sales sheet one can almost create a good content for any sales sheet. One can always include a good image of the product which would make the product more desirable along with the features of the product.

Don’t forget to add CTA ( Call to actions) to the sheets! A CTA is basically placement of content in a document strategically in order to make customer behave in a favourable manner. The common CTA used in the sales sheets is contact information for technical questions. You can highlight your website for more information or other products.

Another example which is our favourite one, is testimonial or references. Clear, attractive and trusty words like “Let’s be one of our first 100 customers to get a 1 year extended warranty”. OK, this CTA is used on the product page and on the HTML version of the sales sheet. Here we are offering an additional incentive for the customer to purchase the product now and reduce the decision time for buying. This type of CTAs are preferred on the product page above or below of the product information. The reason for this tendency is the hardship of updating product documents.

One of the most important points of the professional and successful sales sheet would be its design. Though the sales sheets are just lifeless documents we can always add life to them by changing their appearance, and by keeping them updated. Graphics, clear tables for specification or product images can improve the design and content of the product sheets. A good designed sales sheet brings more works together.

There are many applications nowadays on the web which help you design and create a sales sheet out of the plethora of applications. One of them is our app; TDSmaker which was developed for product sheets like sales sheets, data sheets… TDSmaker helps you to design custom templates for your company and create sales sheets.

This piece was written by Mulugu Mythra Varun and originally published at blog.tdsmaker.com.

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