5 Star Service: A curated reading list

Alexandra Mateescu
Data & Society: Points
4 min readJun 27, 2018

This reading list by Data & Society Postdoctoral Scholar Julia Ticona, Researcher Alexandra Mateescu, and Researcher Alex Rosenblat accompanies the new Data & Society report Beyond Disruption: How Tech Shapes Labor Across Domestic Work & Ridehailing.

As labor platforms begin to mediate work in industries with workforces marked by centuries of economic exclusion based in gender, race, and ethnicity, this report examines the ways labor platforms are shifting the rules of the game for different populations of workers.

While ridehail driving, and other male-dominated sectors have been at the forefront in conversations about the future of work, the working lives of domestic workers like housecleaners and nannies usually aren’t included. By bringing these three types of platforms and workers together, this report complicates simple narratives about technology’s impact on labor markets and highlights the convergent and divergent challenges workers face when using labor platforms to find and carry out their work.

The report weaves together often disparate communities and kinds of knowledge, and this reading list reflects this eclectic approach. Below you’ll find opinion, research, reports, and critique about gendered service work and inequality; labor platforms and contingent work; algorithmic visibility and vulnerability; and risk and safety in the gig economy.

This list is meant for readers of Beyond Disruption who want to dig more deeply into some of the key areas explored in its pages. It isn’t meant to be exhaustive, but rather give readers a jumping off point for their own investigations. Suggestions or comments? E-mail julia at datasociety dot net.

I. Gendered Service Work & Inequality:



More to explore:

II. Labor Platforms & Contingent Work



More to explore:

III. Algorithmic Visibility & Vulnerability


More to explore:

IV. Risk & Safety


More to explore:

“Beyond Disruption” is the first research release from Data & Society’s newly-formalized Future of Labor research initiative.



Alexandra Mateescu
Data & Society: Points

Researcher at Data & Society Research Institute | Technology, care, labor | @cariatidaa