Five Ways to Write a Better Essay with DataSplash

Thomas Stratmann
3 min readNov 6, 2016


It’s the end of the semester. Your term paper is due soon. You’re starting to stress about grades. Writing long essays is tiring. A major essay that can make or break your semester grade? That’s stressful and tiring.

DataSplash is here to help! Here are 5 reasons why you need need to use DataSplash to help write your essay that will get a superior grade.

#1: Get a better Grade! These Images Make Your Paper Look Great!

DataSplash takes whatever data you have and creates amazing graphics and tables. Here’s an example of a visualization for a simple difference in means:

Here is the PUMS subsample used for the graphs above. That difference in means test rejects the hypothesis that there is no difference in the average household income for tenants who have lived in the household less than one year compared to others.

These high quality images are perfect content for your essay. Want to stand out from the crowd and get a better grade? This is a step in the right direction.

#2: DataSplash Cures Writer’s Block

Do you have that problem where you just don’t know what to say? For almost every essay topic there are data that you can use to illustrate or visualize what you want to say. For most cases, you can find these data somewhere online. Find some data related to your essay topic and feed them into DataSplash.

DataSplash generates a bunch of insights in a way that’s easy to understand. The tables of information displayed by DataSplash provide tons of content for you to discuss. Here’s the bonus: DataSplash thinks about data the same way your professor does.

It makes your essay more credible and impressive when you can include real facts instead of fluff.

#3 DataSplash Saves Time

DataSplash doesn’t waste time. It’s a web app so there’s nothing to install. Did I mention how easy it is to use? Unlike those other data tools, with DataSplash you don’t need to invest a bunch of time to figure out how everything works. You get the content you need sooner, and then you write a paper. That’s it.

#4 It’s FREE!!

Plain and simple. DataSplash is available at no cost to students.

#5 It Helps You Learn and Tells You What to Write in Your Essay

Not only are the images and tables great content for your paper, they are also great information for you as a student. Tooltips are everywhere and they tell you what’s going on in plain English. These tooltips tell you what you can write in your essay. Tooltips explain what you see in your data in DataSplash.

Writing a paper is a big deal, and depending on your class maybe you also have a final exam as well. Maybe you have to present your paper, and it would be nice to have some insight beyond what you wrote down. In any of those cases, or in case you’re just curious and interested, it’s nice to know that DataSplash can help you dig deeper…and get more admirers of your paper. Including your professor.

