Visualizing Pokemon Go with DataStack and 200+ Trainers

Shubham Naik
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2016


Pokemon Go is a sensation that’s sweeping the world and our own offices — with over 2,000,000 EXP between the 4 of us, our team felt like we needed a better way to quantify the ins and outs of the Pokemon world.

Collecting Data

Visualizing data is easy, we at DataStack have built a drag-and-drop solution for anyone’s data to become visible in seconds.

The real challenge is: getting the data. On a cool Monday morning, we tossed around some ideas on how to gain some insight about our Pokemon world. After some deliberation — we decided that the simplest way was to just build a form and ask everyone we knew. So we launched a quick Google Form and posted it in a few Facebook groups (Thanks to all those that participated).

Pushing the Data

The next step was moving the Google forms data to DataStack — which was relatively simple since Google’s APIs allow you to read directly from a spreadsheet.

So we just entered our data into the request generator, like so:

Just plug in the necessary info, and you’re on your way

Then dragged a few data-points over…

Just plug in the necessary info, and you’re on your way:

Check it out here (it updates every time we vet new data — since there are a few cheaters we need to cull from our ranks).

Want more Pokemon Go data?

We’re planning on expanding the dashboard to the whole world — if you want to contribute — click here.

PS: if you have data and want to visualize it, check out DataStack as a potential tool for you.

PSS: Credit to: Kartik Kapur, Sidharth Naik, Rishab Iyer, Sara Wistch, and for spreading the form a little further than we could’ve done alone.

