They got caught tinkering with data in their garage

Amine Lies BENHENNI, PhD
Published in
1 min readNov 5, 2018
We have orange hats in real life too !

Welcome fellow data enthusiasts !

This publication is brought to you by the core data science team of Dataswati, a french startup working on Artificial Intelligence for industries. This place is our garage, and we have big projects in mind:

- Structure our knowledge for our future selves, and new people who want to join us
- Experiment and have feedback from the community
- Share some of our insights and give back to the community

Topics will be mostly centered on full stack data science as well as reviewing and experimenting with the state-of-the-art when it comes to topics we are actively working on (transfer learning and multi-modal fusion to name a few).

We already have a corporate blog on our own website (in french), but this, here, is different. We want to go technical, and not necessarily in a manner related to our core business. We read and experiment with a lot of a new and old ideas, compare, benchmark, find creative ways to use various data centered algorithms (mainly machine learning though).

Follow us to keep in touch and stay informed.



Amine Lies BENHENNI, PhD

Mainly Science, Data & Society. PhD in Particle Physics, Data and AI entrepreneur, speaker, teacher and coach.