The online courses you must take to be a better Data Scientist

David Adrián Cañones
Published in
9 min readJun 17, 2020


Some context, once upon a time…

I started in Data Science back in 2015. It was not an intended move but the answer to the needs of my employer. I was working for a company providing automation services to Spanish corporations and we had the need to leverage data to automate complex tasks whose rules could not be easily hard-coded. I had recently graduated as an engineer in the middle of a terrible economic crisis, had some statistical modeling knowledge and was proficient using MATLAB.

In 2015 there was not specialized Data Science degrees or boot-camps to jump-start in the field (at least, in Spain) and the naturally closest studies you could have were, in this order: Mathematics (in Spain with a strong focus in becoming a teacher/professor in the public education system) or Software Engineer (most of them more interested in App Development or creating the new Uber of “X” than in boring Data Science stuff back then).

With this context, most of Data Science practitioners were a bunch of recently graduates from mostly quantitative degrees (lots of engineers from diverse branches, and people from economics and similar degrees). In this context I found some precious online resources which helped me back then and, in the long run, made me a better Data Scientist today…



David Adrián Cañones

🔬 Data Scientist | 🤖 Machine Learning Engineer | 💹 MBA