The first year of Data Visualization Society (DVS)

Vinícius Cassio Barqueiro
Datavizzing 📊💡
3 min readMay 1, 2020

*também disponível em Português

In one year, Data Visualization Society (DVS) went from 2511 members in the first month to 11573 at the end of the first year.

1. Member proficiency level

Upon registration in DVS, members complete a self-assessment questionnaire on three items.

A score from 0 to 5 is assigned to each item. Based on this score, there are three proficiency ranges.

At the end of the first year, the distribution of 11573 members in terms of items and ranges is as follows:

Based on these numbers:

  • Intermediates are the majority in all three categories. Visualization concentrates the highest percentage of intermediates (7191, 62%)
  • Experts are a minority in all three areas. Data concentrates the highest percentage of specialists (1860, 16%)
  • There are more novices than experts in all three areas. Society concentrates the highest percentage of novices (1425, 33%)

As each item can have three tracks, the are 27 different possible combinations.

The most frequent combinations are:

The rarest combinations are:

Check the complete distribution below. If you are using a cell phone, or even if you prefer, access the distribution table of the 27 possibilities in a new window for a better visualization.

As for the members’ evolution of proficiency, adopting the simple average of the three requirements as general proficiency, we have the following:

Aside from the growth boom in the first month, the pace of growth was stable at all three levels:

Since the beginning, about a tenth of the members are experts. As for the other levels, there was a change in proportion: the percentage of intermediates fell from 68% to 62%, while the percentage of novices rose from 20% to 27%. In regards to that, we note that DVS has been accessible and inclusive also for the most lay audience.

2. Geolocation

DVS also provides geolocation data for its members.

Based on them, we realized that in the first month the members are mainly on Europe and the USA.

By the end of the first year, distribution has slightly increased around the world, although DVS still has a majority of members in Europe and the USA.

3. Next years

For the next few years, the DVS has the challenges of remaining relevant — as in the voluntary performance before COVID-19 — and being able to reach professionals and stakeholders from other parts of the world, eventually with materials not only in English. Accessibility and inclusion are also topics to be further explored in the materials and discussions.

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Vinícius Cassio Barqueiro
Datavizzing 📊💡

Aqui, compartilho crônicas e materiais sobre futebol, educação, política, acessibilidade, design de informação e visualização de dados.