Datawallet Wins Insight Innovation Voting Competition

Datawallet Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2018

We are very happy to announce that we cam in first place at the Insights Innovation Competition voting. Even though Datawallet only entered the voting 4 days ago — we managed to pull ahead of the 26 other registered companies thanks to the amazing effort by our community! Within the past days we managed to reach 1400+ votes and will now present Datawallet at the IIeX North America 2018 in front of a jury. At the conference we will also connect further with some of the biggest consumer brands.

We wanted to take this opportunity to again thank our community for making this happen. We very much appreciate your continued support!

Imagined and organized by GreenBook, the Insight Innovation Competition helps startups in the consumer insights industry bring their ideas to life. The Competition connects brands to fresh and untapped sources of competitive advantage through deeper consumer understanding generated by innovative, disruptive start-ups. It aims to connect startups with some of the biggest brands in the world, including Coca Cola, IKEA & Unilever.

See more corporate partners below:


Thank you for your continued support and please connect with the team via our official Telegram Group for any questions you may have or if you just want to say hi!

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Datawallet The future of data is user-driven.



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