Community Update #10

Opinion on GDPR + Blockchain on, Updates for the Coming Week, We Partner with Block72 for China & More…

Datawallet Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2018


Dear Datawallet Community,

this our 10th community update and we share a few things that happened the past week as well as give you some insights into the coming week at the end of this post. As always, let us know your thoughts:

In an expert take on Cointelegraph our CEO Serafin Engel addressed GDPR and its impact on blockchain

With EU privacy laws undergoing their biggest overhaul since being created in 1995, the new framework General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, launching May 25th this year) is producing new challenges for companies. Some of its core ideas are conflicting with the main features of blockchain technology — read the article linked below for different opinions including a take from our CEO Serafin Engel on the topic:


Datawallet is working with Block72 to bring local content, community & PR to China

With our efforts on the Growth & PR front amplifying we are incredibly excited about working with Block72 to bring Datawallet to China. This partnership not only allows us to translate our content into the native language, but also distribute it to official local Datawallet channels, news outlets and more. This is only the start for us in bringing Datawallet and our updates to more countries locally. If you feel like your country and Datawallet would mutually benefit from native content and presence please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!


Datawallet participated in the NASDAQ Crypto Business Forum

NASDAQ hosted a Crypto Business Forum last Monday which was attended by our CEO Serafin Engel. The event led to many interesting discussions with company executives from different industries. See a first image from the event below and we will share more impressions with you when we receive them from NASDAQ:


Updates for next week & Questions:

We have some exciting updates coming out next week so we already want to give you a sneak peak and also address some questions we have received in the last couple of days:

  • An update to our iOS app is coming out next week. This is a first iteration in which we removed all references to DXT and instead send you to a simple web-login to track your balance. In the coming weeks we will be ready to step-by-step roll out our new rewards system and also allow you to retrieve earned DXT. More details to follow with the release.
  • We are starting a community ambassador program to help keep our community even more informed and also will work with the ambassadors on contests, AMAs, etc. — a detailed post on this will follow early next week including a call to action.
  • Mid next week a video from a YouTube influencer we very much enjoy will be released that will look at the Datawallet ecosystem, technology and why the cause of personal data sovereignty is such an important one.
  • We also received questions asking if we can release more GitHub commits. This is something we are working on actively bringing into our updates. We will also add sub-site to our new website that will focus on sharing updates on developments so it’s easier to keep track.
  • Our new website mentioned above is also in the works and among the sub-site for developers will also feature simpler dedicated parts for our business customers, token holders and the general public interesting in more information on all things Datawallet. Our growing team, advisors and open positions will also be shared with all of you!


That’s it for our Easter Sunday update folks. Please feel free to give us suggestions in our main Telegram Group regarding this update and any other thoughts you might have!

Make sure to also follow Datawallet on Twitter // Medium // Reddit // Youtube

Datawallet The future of data is user-driven.



Datawallet Blog

Datawallet gives you all the tools you need to easily comply with today’s and tomorrow’s data regulations. Visit our website: