Community Update #12

Tim Draper predicts Bitcoin $250k at the Draper University, Datawallet Live interview by Ivan On Tech, Community Ambassadors & More

Datawallet Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2018


Dear Datawallet Community,

you know the drill: This week’s community update gives a brief summary of the Draper University event a few team members attended, the live interview of our CEO Serafin & our CTO Daniel with Ivan on Tech and more. As always, we appreciate your thoughts and feedback, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the different channels.

YouTuber Ivan on Tech interviewed our CEO Serafin and our CTO Daniel live

On Friday, Ivan on Tech — a software developer from Sweden who runs a YouTube channel that’s all about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology — streamed a live interview with our CEO & CTO. Among the different topics discussed in the 35 minute interview were use cases of the Datawallet platform, data mobility, data privacy, GDPR and more. Check out the video below:


Draper University Executive Blockchain Program

Last week, our CEO Serafin spoke at the Draper University Blockchain Program in San Francisco in front of business leaders on the topic of blockchain and data ownership. He was supported by our CTO Daniel & Director of Communications Yannick at the week long conference. Besides spreading the word about the Datawallet solution, interesting conversations and meetings — our team also presented Datawallet at Tim Draper’s block party (that was off the chain ;)) with a booth. Tim made a new prediction on Bitcoin at the block party (you can also see a video of his prediction here) which he later also shared on Twitter:

Take a look at a few pictures from the event below:



  • Community Ambassadors: As you’ve probably noticed in our official Telegram Channel, we started working with two of our community members (Lars & Pranav) as Datawallet Community Ambassadors. We will share more details on our ambassador program in a post next week, but they are functioning as another link between our core team and the community. Having a close relationship with the Datawallet team they can provide more insights and answers when our core team members are for a moment not active in the channel.
  • DXT App Balances: Beginning of this week we will visibly award DXT earned by connecting data sources to the Datawallet app. Some of you were confused that even though you had connected all data sources in our app, the balance screen still showed zero. The DXT are already awarded, but were not visible on the front end. The ability to withdraw DXT will likely be added at the end of the month.


This is it for the Sunday update. Let us know your thoughts on the update or share your thoughts in general in our Telegram Group.

Make sure to also follow Datawallet on Twitter // Medium // Reddit // Youtube

Datawallet The future of data is user-driven.



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