Walmart’s Online Pricing U-Turn Reflects Renewed Focus on Profitability

Nathaniel Fry
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2017

In an increasingly competitive retail landscape and facing intense margin pressures, improving the profitability of online commerce is a growing area of focus for all retailers.

When Amazon acquired Whole Foods in August, several media outlets and analysts speculated whether there would be a slashing of prices across the board. Instead, Amazon lowered prices only on those items that it knew would drive increased traffic to the stores, resulting in a 25% increase in footfall the first 30 days after the acquisition closed.

(Read also: Amazon’s Whole Foods Pricing Strategy Revealed)

Disrupting the Status Quo

Walmart has now announced a shift in its online pricing to draw more shoppers to purchase from its brick-and-mortar stores and save on shipping costs.

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