Blockchain and security of your data

DataXchain org
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2018

Nowadays, it is difficult to find an organization that protects the personal data of its users reliably. Identity theft, data leakage, trade in personal information-these are the problems of the modern Internet community.

Blockchain offers a new approach that ensures the integrity and safety of digital data. We are confident that the development and spread of blockchain will have a huge impact on all areas of our lives.

And it is no more than a matter of time before blockchain technology is fully embedded in our daily lives. It is important for our generation to get acquainted with new opportunities and do everything to make them a reality.

Through the project DataXchain we strive to counteract the contemporary reality in the market of digital data to create our own ecosystem of digital data, within which individuals can have ownership of information or data created by them, and to profit from the production of these data. This can prevent the data from being used to cause harm, as well as bring the power of ownership back into the hands of individuals — each of us.



DataXchain org

DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralised Data Trade Platform” which automatically matches Data Owners and Data Users.