DataXchain is the result of work carried out by a talented team of professionals

DataXchain org
Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2018

DataXchain project is the result of work of a talented professinal team who are doing everything to change the principle of the information technology industry around the world.

The project was designed to facilitate the process of buying and selling information using blockchain technology. The unique capabilities of the platform, developed within the framework of the project, will allow to exchange data absolutely safely and receive a reward for it.

It will be bossible to use DataXchain platform’s ability widely both on the domestic and professional levels. For example, an office worker will be able to sell on the platform accidentally created during the lunch break drawing, which was unexpectedly good. Or another example-a director of a large company will be able to put on the platform for sale information about how his products are sold out and thus provide an opportunity for other companies to analyze his experience and improve their products and technologies. In both cases, the owner of the information will receive a reward. Visit the official website of DataXchain project and learn more about its features!



DataXchain org

DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralised Data Trade Platform” which automatically matches Data Owners and Data Users.